Thursday, November 21, 2013

Five Bits of Randomness

Sian has this wonderful idea for folks who are feeling meh about blogging: work on a list of five things. I thought I'd give it a go, so I'm starting with five bits of randomness.
1. Since I posted yesterday, I've been visiting blogs and commenting. Some blogs have comment verification and I came across this gem! It is all kinds of awesome and just made my day! Have you ever gotten a really good word for comment verification?

2. Thanks to our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box, we are eating a lot of squash this time of year.  One favorite is pasta with butternut squash and goat cheese. This is the recipe we use, but I make lots of changes. Since basil is not in season, I have substituted sage. For this version, I threw in a combination of spinach and chard (which I had cooked down a bit); chicken apple sausage is also a good addition.  Do you have any good seasonal recipes to share?
3. I think I've forgotten how to make cards.  I had a nice crafty weekend last month when I made my December Daily album. I also wanted to make some cards to have on hand to send to Henry. I borrowed some stamps from friends and gave it a go. Unfortunately, I'm not thrilled with the outcome. Sigh. Have you ever felt like you've forgotten how to do something crafty? On the upside, I found that mpix (my favorite photo processor) has a terrific iphone app which made it really easy to order prints of my photos right from my phone. And I'm really happy with the quality. Where do the rest of your print your iphone photos?
4. I've signed up for this free still life photography class. It starts after the holidays, and I'm hoping it will be a good way to feed my muse. I heard about it from Cheri when she posted on facebook. Anyone else want to join in? By the way, even when I'm not active on my blog, I do post on facebook and instagram (@rinda1961). Feel free to send me a follow request for either.
5. Around the house, Clara has had her eye on moving into Henry's room for about a year. We've been clearing and painting and getting it ready for the switch for a while. Our hope is to get her into it this weekend, so that we have enough time to quickly redo her old space so the boy has a space to stay over the holidays. Then, after the first of the year, we'll redo Clara's old room to turn it into a craft room and guest room! I'm really excited about that. What's new where you live?


  1. I was laughing out loud when I read your comment at Deb's and I have to say, there are some doozies out there as far as word verification goes!

    I like the sound of the photog class.

  2. Yes there are some interesting words that come up - makes me think of Capt Carrot in Terry Pratchett's discworld series, "There are only so many syllables" ;)

    Good luck on the decorating too!

  3. I just commented on a post about feeling festive, and the word v. was "Elf Time"!

  4. I've signed up for the photo class as well though we'll be traveling again in January so I'm not sure how that will work. Thanks for the pasta recipe. I have butternut squash and kale in the fridge!

  5. So fun to see so many of my tribe signing up for this photography class! Can't wait to see what we all do with it.

  6. Brilliant verification word!! I'm off to check out the iphone app and the photography course as my photography needs a kick up the proverbial so thanks for the heads up. Sounds like musical rooms in your house I'm putting off any decorating until after christmas!!

  7. Funny word.
    Sometimes I get stuff I just CAN'T read and I must say it infuriates me. I am not keen on goat cheese, but after a look at these pasta, I think I might make an exception ! xxx

  8. You know that I am a big fan of random, so I love this post! SO funny about the word verification. :o)

  9. I once had SEXFIEND as a word verification but my favorite was SOUPNUTS. For some reason that was absolutely hysterical at the time.

  10. I love the variety of your randomness!!
    Word verification is such a it's always great when you get the occasional amusing one....that,of course, is if you can actually read the odd shaped letters that only a robot could properly decipher!!!

  11. That word verification really made me laugh! We have our first really cold snap this weekend, so I'm ready for some chili . . . and then it's time for all the Thanksgiving favorites! I'm signed up for Cheryl's Still Life Photography also.

  12. Love that word verification! We have a new wall being bult out the front at the moment although the weather has been holding things up a bit.

  13. Intending to sign up for the class too. A new craft room sounds fun

  14. LOL - love the word verification. I've had some great ones but can't think of one right now. Hey, that's the recipe we use too - I love her recipes. Would like to take the photography course but with the trip coming up it's just not feasible.
