Thursday, October 24, 2013

Off the Clock

It's Thursday afternoon. I just dropped Clara's bags off at the High School and hugged her good-bye before she boarded the bus to Southern California. Her cross country team is making the nine hour drive to compete in a huge cross-country meet tomorrow. As an added bonus, they will visit Disneyland on Saturday (Disneyland!) before heading home on Sunday. Paul left for the airport earlier this morning. He's flying down to watch her run and to visit his family. 
So, I've got a long weekend to myself. And I've got plans . . . work plans, social plans, creative plans.  
And I could get started this afternoon. 
But instead, I change out of my work clothes, pour myself a glass of wine and relax in front of the T.V. I take the dogs out for a walk, enjoying the cool of the early evening.
I'll get lots done this weekend. 
But, for now, I'm off the clock. Doing what I want. And enjoying it immensely.
When was the last time you let yourself go off the clock?


  1. Probably so long ago that it is lost In the mists of time! I hope this is a richly woven together weekend for you, full of lots of pleasureable things :).

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend, although your loved ones are not there. I was off the clock for the whole week. No work, no office, just me. :) Have a great weekend!

  3. A very, very good question. We're at the start of our half term holiday today, so at least we'll get a bit of a lie in. Does that count?!

    That's a long drive her team has..real dedication!

  4. Well, I probably do it a lot more often than you, simply because my one and only kiddo is no longer my ongoing responsibility. ;o) So glad that you have some alone time to look forward to this weekend, and I can't wait to see what you create! Enjoy!!!

  5. Good luck to Clara, and good for you Rinda taking some down time-you thoroughly deserve it!

  6. You know what, I can't remember ... how sad is that?!

    Enjoy your time :)

  7. I took Wednesday off. I pretended to be sicker than I was and then when everyone was out of the house I slept until 10am and then went yarn shopping. It was glorious!

    Hope Clara did well and you enjoyed your weekend!

  8. Hope the weekend went well for everyone. I find I have to allow myself some down time - off the clock although it is harder just lately. We call it 'not being -ible' here :)

  9. I have to admit I let myself off the clock a good bit now that I'm not teaching. In fact, I've set myself up to be "off the clock" for three weeks in November - time for me to have fun in my craft room and create some Christmas gifts. (Well, I will have to keep up with a few chores, but I have no other commitments!)

  10. As it is only the 2 of us and John works (until next June) I tend to have a lot of me time. Such a change from my working and commuting days. Hope you had a nice relaxing time.
