Thursday, October 3, 2013

Look Up//Look Down #39: Home Improvement

So, while I was in Oregon, I left my daughter Clara and my husband Paul to fend for themselves. I expected that they would get by with the minimum requirements for the week - getting to school; doing homework; eating; watching the dogs.  Instead, they decided to undertake a few home improvement projects! They worked on painting the living room and repairing/replacing lighting in the laundry room, front hall way, and master bathroom. The projects aren't quite done, but they sure will look good when they are! Looking up at the new lights in the master bath (still needs some dry wall) and down at the painting drop cloth. Thanks Helena for suggesting this fun weekly photo meme.


  1. What a surprise! Love the dog in the sunshine.

  2. I would never trust mine to do such a thing!!!

  3. what a lovely surprise to come home too - love the composition in the look down

  4. Goodness, what a lovely surprise that must have been!

  5. Fun surprise - the lights look good too :)

  6. What a lovely surprise to come home to.

  7. Wow - maybe you should leave them to their own devices more often if they're going to be that productive! How fun to get some home improvements done!

  8. What an excellent surprise! Now I'm wondering if I made a return trip to Scotland and left a list...

  9. That's cool! Maybe you should leave them alone more often. (just joking) :-)

  10. What a great surprise to come home to.
