Tuesday, July 2, 2013

PHC: This Girl!

There is a poem which I love and which features these lines:
"When love comes to ask, 
what do you know?
I will say
this girl, this boy."
Certainly the love I have for my children is among the deepest and most intense of all the emotions which reside in my heart. But like most mothers, if they are honest, I will admit that there are times when I find my children less than lovable. 
But then, I look at this photo.
Oh - this photograph
It captures so much about why I love this girl intensely.  She is up early to run a half-marathon with me (it's 5:00 a.m., Balboa Park, San Diego). She is part of of the iphone generation who is always ready to mug before a camera. She is raising money to fight cancer. She loves her dad, and you can read that on her race bib. She has come through a firestorm and is emerging as a person that she likes. And one that I love.
This photograph is my Photo-Heart Connection for June (a monthly self-reflection photography practice sponsored by Kat Sloma). You can read more about it here.
I actually took a lot of photographs this month which were contenders for my PHC. Here are a few of them:
My in-laws, Bill and Helen, married over 50 years, and he still holds her hand.
A display of TNT memorabilia, honoring our late team honoree Greg.
Oh Michael, how you capture the joy of our TNT season!
This one is all about the boy, and I'll tell the story this weekend during Sian's Storytelling Sunday.
This is Henry's girlfriend, Vanessa. I love how her inner-light shines as brightly as the sun behind her. A close contender for PHC, but she is not my girl.
And finally, Henry on graduation day, entering the high school library for the last time. He needed to stop in there to pick up his actual diploma. I love his reflection in the window, all the shadows on the wall and how his mortarboard decoration declares the next step on his journey (the University of Oregon).  But, he was my photo-heart connection last month.  And there is room in my heart for both my children.
Thank you Kat for sponsoring this practice! And thanks to everyone else for stopping by and leaving a comment. I love hearing your feedback on my photography.


  1. Oh I like all your contenders this month - but yes there is room for both (or all) children in a mother's heart.

  2. Some great contenders,Rinda....I completely understand why you picked the one you did,though.

  3. It's a wonderful selection: every one has something special to say..

    ..but, yes, Go Clara!

  4. I love my children deeply but there are days when I just don't like them very much.
    I remember that when they were particularly horrible I would say "It's ok, I still love you, I just don't like your behaviour at the moment."
    Then suddenly they were no longer inhabited by an alien and I had my real child back again.

  5. I love all your photos this month Rinda!! Lots of proud Mummy moments there:) But I can see why you chose the one of your daughter, it really captures the excitement of the race!

  6. I can so relate to your comment about loving your children but at times finding them not very likeable. With my younger two I have way too many moments like that lately. I think I may try Ladykis' response and see if that has any effect. I don't call them out on inappropriate behavior nearly enough now that they are young adults.

  7. The fact that you had so many choices this month is a testament to how very rich your life is. beautiful photos, all of them.

  8. Great pic of Clara. I can also see why you chose her. You have two great kids.

  9. Great choice for your photo this month - it truly does show so much about who she is and is becoming!

  10. You surely chose the right photo for the month, but, my you did have a lot of great contenders!

  11. You made the perfect choice! Such a fun photo and I can easily see why it made it to the top of your list!

  12. What a lot of contenders for that coveted place! A bit of me hopes there might be room for the lovely girlfriend too. And your words are lovely too.

  13. Beautiful words and beautiful photos Rinda. They all say so much...
    It sounds a very interesting project. It is amazing that your daughter is so committed to raising money for cancer, some people of her age just want to lie in bed of a morning or be out until early hours. Good on her!
    All are worthy contenders, but as you say, our own children are part of our making, and through thick and thin, that tie is very strong.
    Loved this post :)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Such wonderful words and pictures Rinda. This is a beautiful post - our children are very, very special - - and a mother's love is boundless - and always she has room in her heart for all of them - even when they break it. J x

  16. Beautiful words as always Rinda. Clara looks so much fun. You must be so proud of her. I loved that holding hands photo on IG. Such a beautiful moment to have captured.

  17. What a lovely post Rinda and so glad you have weathered the storm and reached the sunshine on the other side x

  18. The perfect choice Rinda. Love can never be divided only multiplied.The deep love a mother feels is almost unfathomable isn't it? Your post is beautiful.

  19. Your choice is perfect Rinda, but I can see why you had all the others there too - wonderful.

  20. A Mother's Love You've captured it in words and images, here, Rinda. Thanks for sharing. GO enjoy your beautiful family!
    --Michele at Sweet Leaf, visiting from PHC

  21. You have a warm and loving heart Rinda.

  22. Really enjoyed seeing your pictures - your warmth and love for your family really shine from this post Annie C :o)x

  23. You had a wonderful selection of photos Rinda but Clara was the perfect choice!

  24. Lovely photos, I enjoyed getting a glimpse of your life!

  25. Your photos and words are so touching and inspiring! I wish I was better at conveying feelings like you do so often here!

  26. wow, she radiates so much energy and pizzazz.... wonderful shot! wonderful kid!

  27. This is such a sweet post, Rinda. And I love that photo of Clara! You hit on something I hadn't thought of, and that's the iPhone generation, always ready to be photographed. I love that about "them." :o)

  28. You can see your daughter's personality in this photo! Wonderful! After months of coming by here, I can tell how important your family and those close to you are... because they are almost always your Photo-Heart Connection! I love it. When you come to Oregon to visit or drop off/pick up your son, be sure to drop me a note. I'm 45 minutes away and I'd love to meet up with you! Thanks for sharing in the Photo-Heart Connection, and sorry for my delay in coming by. I'm catching up on June along with July!
