Wednesday, June 5, 2013

This and That (Summer Creative Plan and Happy Mail GlT Collage)

I've been engaging in some retail therapy lately, which has resulted in the receipt of Happy mail. First, I ordered some very happy washi tape from Artsyville, as well as this very happy print.   I also ordered the Marathon paper collection from Club Scrap, which was on HUGE SALE.  They both arrived on the same day, along with some photographs I had ordered.  This inspired me to make a "Happy Mail" collage with the washi tape, goodies from Sian's big swap of very small things, and a zebra cut from a paper pad I bought at Michael's. I'm posting this (a day late) to Glue it Tuesday.
I also wanted to check in with folks and ask what their creative plans were for this summer (besides the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt, of course). I've got a few things on my plate:
I signed up for Jennifer's Projects that Wow class, which begins soon.
I plan to participate in the Summer of Color Challenge, sponsored by the Twinkle, Twinkle blog. I've seen others do this and decided this was the summer to join the fun. I know I want to work with acrylic paint for the weekly challenge, but I'm still deciding whether to work on canvases or plaster wrap. It begins on Monday.
I might also participate in "Find Your Voice," a free 8 week storytelling class sponsored by Kristin at Rukristin.  It begins June 24, and I found it through my blog friend Jo of Curly Scrapbooker.
In July, I will play along with Bernice in her Passport to Art altered book challenge blog. It's free, and I always find her prompts inspiring.
I think that should keep me plenty busy! Especially since I hope to finish some other projects  that have been accumulating on my desk.
What about you? Do you have any creative plans for the summer?
p.s. The 2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt is on! Check out the details at this post. 


  1. Great plans Rinda - I usually do the opposite and try and have NO plans over summer!

  2. Your plans sound great! I don't have any really for the summer as I work full time it is difficult to plan too much! Hugh and I have a week in Sorrento to look forward too - hunting for Scavenger Hunt photos! Apart from that I am intent on finishing my California album from our holiday last year and I want to make a mini book for Penny about our cake decorating trip back at the beginning of the year.

  3. looking forward to see your take on summer of colour.

    I'm seduced by crochet and coloured cotton yarns at the moment and am thinking of some summer projects there to balance the digi and photo porjects

  4. I've still got a few weeks until my summer break...and have far more work this term than I usually have....but I definately have started thinking about creative plans for the summer....and am taking part in Jennifer's class.
    I love your collage....and the zebra makes me think of the donkeys we have giving rides on the beach in the summer.

  5. Love the collage Rinda, so very summery! And such fun to see a little bit of my island on there! No real plans for summer - but am going to attempt the scavenger hunt for the first time I think. J x

  6. I love that zebra!

    We will be travelling for some of the summer and I will be fitting in my new duties at Get It Scrapped around that, with another couple of pieces I'm doing for different things. And taking photos for the hunt, of course.

  7. I have several class plans as you've already seen. I'll be joining the scavenger hunt as always, hoping to keep up with Project life and Project 365.
    Jo xxx

  8. Hi Rinda, Wow! so much to catch up on your blog. I have been ill and without internet for a while...
    Well done to you and Clara for your marathon run. What a brilliant thing to take part in with your daughter.
    I have also just noticed that the Hunt is already on and am looking forward to participating again this year. It is so much fun!

  9. Despite my promise NOT to sign up for any classes, I am indeed signed up for three over the summer, but have resigned myself to the fact that I probably can't keep up with all of them. None require active participation so it will be OK. One is an iPhone class. My kids gave me an Olloclip lens set for my birthday. I played around with it a bit on the trip, but learning more about the apps I already have has been high on my list for a while. I'm also taking an art journal technique class at BPS, and the Summer Camp Card class.

  10. I'm already signed up for Hello Story and Phone Photography at BPS. Yesterday I signed up for Photoshop Firday at Jessica Sprague. And based on your recommendation, I just signed up for the Summer of Color challenge. I'll probably fulfill that one differently each week (photography, art journaling, scrapbooking)...

  11. Hmmm, someone got a visit from the Washi Fairy! and I tell you, if my mail came delivered on a Zebra, I would be beside myself with giddiness!

  12. Love your colorful happy mail art page Rinda! Sounds like you have a lot of creative projects lined up. I'm also joinig in COSummer for the first time. Also playing at artsyville's GITs. Joined a Paper Trader's Yahoo group too. Nothing like new inspirations to keep the creativity afire!

  13. Ah, there is nothing better than getting "real" mail. I hope to clean up my craft room and finish some projects. I want to start some new ones(so much goodness is out there!)but I need to focus on seeing things to the completion stage. :-)

  14. Great page. I am hoping to do the Scavenger Hunt and Bernice's Passport to Art and might go check out Find Your Voice

  15. you have some good creative plans! I am signed up for another on-line card class and a free scrapbooking class with Simelle at UK Scrappers, not sure how much of that I will actually get done! My biggest project will be designing and making my daughter's wedding invitations! I already made 112 "save the date" cards that were very well received!
    Since I just got a new dslr camera and my family isn't doing their Super Summer Scavenger hunt I think I should join yours!

  16. Happy mail indeed! LOVING that washi tape from Artsyville!
    AND thank you for helping to spread the word about The Summer of Color - I'm thrilled that you will be joining us for the first time - I promise you'll love it - and look forward to seeing your colorful pieces. Thank you! Kristin xo

  17. It's just the Scavenger Hunt for me so far, Rinda...I end up with too many visitors over the summer to find time to be creative!
    Alison xx

  18. You do like to be busy. Love the happy washi tape.

  19. You will be busy this summer! I actually have no big plans except of catching up on online classes. I am so very far behind on everything. You can tell that I am in a creative slump and I don't like it at all!!
    Love your image at the top!!

  20. Wow - that is more than I can keep track of at any given time. I'm in the middle of a class with Big Picture called "Finding Your Photo Style" and I have a few other classes coming up this summer that are mini-courses from Jeanne Oliver's blog. The one I'm most excited for is an Intro to Watercolor class that starts in August. Taking a watercolor class is on my list of things to do this year, and something I've always wanted to learn but have never been able to feel comfortable with on my own.

    Looking forward to seeing what you'll be creating as a result of these classes. :o)

  21. I am so glad you are treating yourself to both things and experiences after your fantastic achievement! You thoroughly deserve it!!
