Saturday, June 8, 2013

Summertime Scavenger Hunt on Instagram and other News

Clara and I went to a party last night to celebrate the end of out Team in Training season. It was held at a terrific house in the Santa Cruz hills with the most spectacular outdoor entertaining space. There was even a small pool house which housed the rest rooms. When I asked the host where the bathroom was, he pointed to the pool house and said, "It's over there. You'll know it when you get there." And, due to their clever sign, he was exactly right!
I'm posting this as my find for item #7 on the 2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt: a sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny.
In other Scavenger Hunt news, Deb and Amy gave me the idea to add a hash tag to my instagram account for scavenger hunt photos which I post there.  I will be using the following:
If you want to use the same hash tag, so that we can track each other, please do! To see all the photos with the same hastag, simply click on the hashtag and all the photos will appear. You may want to use an additional hashtag for your own photos so you can track those separately. I am adding #rindashuntphotos to each of my finds so I can see what I personally have. Thanks to Ginger for letting me know that you can go back and add a hashtag in a comment to your photo and it will work the same way.  If you want to follow me on instagram, my username is rinda1961. If you are on instagram and want me to follow you, either post your user name in the comments or email me at rinda1961 (at) yahoo (dot) com.  This is definitely not a requirement; just something fun for those of us who love instagram. And I won't be taking all my scavenger hunt photos on instagram, but it will be fun to have some there, I think.
Also, I'm really happy to see posts starting to show up.  Check out the following:
Deb's double take on civic buildings (and a few other finds)
Miriam's very interesting airplane post
Becca's very funny sign, favorite coffee spot and other finds.
Finally, if you have any questions, feel free to email me or post a question in comments!
And don't forget to tag/label your blog posts so they'll be easy to find when we have the end of the month linky party.


  1. What a great sign - perfect for the scavenger hunt!!

  2. this made me smile, great sign!

  3. A great start! I must put the list in my wallet to remind me to always keep an eye of for photo opps.

  4. I have used 2 hash tags so far because I don't really get the whole thing, but added yours to mine so hopefully it will work out.
    Feeling odd right now too because taking hunt photos within iPad for instagram and regular camera to post on blog and use for scrapping etc. lots of fun!

  5. I love this sign! I can't get to grips with instagram, although it sound like a fun thing to do. I'll look into it.

  6. loving the sign. Off to check out your links

  7. You can add a hashtag after you have already posted to IG, you would just add it in the comments :)

    1. Thanks for the tip Ginger. I did it, and I'll edit my post soon.

  8. What a great photo to start your hunt. Going to look at other photos. Happy Hunting!

  9. Everyone's off to a good start...maybe today I'll make a beginning.

  10. 1st post goes live tomorrow,
    Jo xxx

  11. Thanks for the links to other people's blogs to see their finds great to see what others are doing. How does the monthly link up party work exactly and when might it be? I have used LABELS for the first time on my initial post for the hunt and now am going back and labelling other different posts too so thanks for making me realise there is this "feature" LOL BJ

  12. oh good! I was wondering if there would be an instagram tag for this

  13. I've been seeing a few scavenger photos pop up on instagram. Thanks for the heads up Rinda, I will be checking the hashtag out.

  14. I'm hoping to get a couple this week. I had great hopes of using Instagram regularly while we were away, but the internet was just too erratic. I've written down the hashtag, and hopefully I remember to use it.

  15. Love the sign :) Thought about having th hashtag, glad you've done it. Not sure how many I'll use my phone for but I love IG.

  16. oh my IG user name is neusebrats ;)

  17. Oh that sign is clever. Instagram is something I keep thinking about - another friend has just signed up too.
