Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Look Up//Look Down #24: Graduation Time!

Henry graduated from High School last week.  In preparation for the ceremony, we decorated his mortarboard with the logo for the University of Oregon where he will go in the fall. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the new graduates threw their hats in the air. His cap caught the sunlight, and I was lucky enough to capture it in a photograph. I thought this made the perfect look up//look down pair for this week. Thanks to Helena for starting this meme.
I also can't pass up the opportunity to post this picture of Henry with some of his friends and their decorated mortarboards.
So proud of these boys.


  1. So far, I think that is my Up highlight of the year ... such a great catch Rinda!

  2. Absolutely brilliant capture Rinda. I love that the mortarboards are decorated. Great pair this week

  3. Congratulations to you all, what wonderful year you are having, full of excitement. Whata cool thing to do to the caps and wow what an awesome picture, well done

  4. wonderful captures - I love the idea of decorating the caps to show where they are going.

    congratulations all round

  5. That's definately a brilliant catch,Rinda....what a moment for posterity.

  6. A perfect pairing! Congratulations! We don't have a Graduation ceremony here, but there is what they call "Leaver's Assembly" today

  7. Such a fabulous photo and I had spied Henry's cap the minute I looked at the photograph. He must have had a wonderful day and you must be super proud of your young man,
    Jo xxx

  8. Congrats to Henry! And what a great idea to decorate the caps with where they are headed. Our seniors are FORBIDDEN from putting anything on their caps with the threat of not being allowed to march. They also prohibited beach balls, balloons, and a variety of other amusements - which I think is a shame - with a graduation class of 500+ the ceremony is so long, I think the kids should be allowed their harmless diversions. Ah well... past all that now. Welcome to my life with college age kids!

  9. Great Up & Down, I love how the yellow of Henry's jumps out.

  10. How great was that 'up' shot?!! Perfectly captured!! What a lovely idea to decorate the mortarboards!! Great group shot too! BTW Finds...I'm coming late to this years Scavenger hunt, hope you'll still allow me to play along?!! :D

  11. The shot of the hats in the air is terrific!

  12. That photo is just great. Well done on catching it.

  13. Brilliant photo, and wonderful moment. One of my great colleagues is a former Duck place- kicker and current rabid fan, so I'm feeling double affinity for O.

  14. Love the photo of the mortar boards in the air - fantastic that Henry's stands out so well.

  15. Brilliant capture - Princess graduates tonight. Well her class does she's not going, coming home after her last exam and collapsing here. We'll do ice cream or similar as a treat and she's going to relax.

  16. brilliantly captured photo of the cap.

  17. Perfect pairing...and I love that you decorate the mortar boards!
    Alison xx

  18. Brilliant look up photo. We missed out on this at my Uni. Being redbrick, we didn't get mortar boards.

  19. Congratulations to your son!!! Beautiful and very meaningful look up/look down :)

  20. Perfect capture! So nice the sun co-operated.
