Sunday, June 23, 2013

{Hello Monday}

Hello Monday . . . a meme started by Lisa Leonard.
Hello Summer . . . Paul and Clara picked blackberries, and we'll be making jam soon. I've gone to the beach to pick sea glass. Making good progress on my summertime list in other ways, too.  
Hello Feedly . . . I decided to use this reader as my substitute for Google Reader. Still figuring it out, but the transition could not have been easier.
Hello Costa Rica (for Henry) . . . He and about 40 other seniors have gone there for about ten days on an educational trip. They arrived safely this evening!
Hello reading a real book . . . I decided it might be easier for me to get back into reading if I had a actual book, not just a book on kindle. I'm reading The Son by Philipp Meyer, and it's really good so far. Of course, the hard part will be remembering to keep it put up and away from Aria, the book-eating dog.
Hello cleaning and purging Henry's room and the garage . . . making good progress on both fronts.
Hello Summertime Scavenger Hunt posts popping up all over blog land . . .  so fun to see what everyone is finding.  I'll put together a linky next weekend so people can check in with an update on their progress.
Hello to brightening a soldier's day . . . I'm participating in the Summertime Soldier Project, organized by Beverly at Be Glorious.  Check out the details here. 
Hello to preparing for the Passport to Art Class . . . being run by Bernice. She's posted a whole bunch of tutorials for preparing an altered book, and I'm going to work on mine this week for her class starting in July. It's free, and you can check it out here.
Hello to Finding Your Voice journaling workshop . . . it starts tomorrow and is run by the Rukristin blog. Check out the details at this FAQ page. 
What are you saying hello to this week?


  1. Hello here to the last week of school for TSO and then we will get started on our holiday travel plans. Hurray.

    Blackberries don't appear here until late August..they're a big favourite here

  2. I will be saying hello to Jessica Sprague's free photo editing course, a day in the office, and seeing Sarah on Saturday!

  3. I've been using Feedly for several months now, and I'm a big fan. I much prefer it to Google Reader. Like Cheri, I'm saying hello to the free class at Jessica Sprague, and determined to get my vacation photos up on SmugMug this week.

  4. Berries and KNOW how much I love this post:). Hugs, Lis

  5. Lots of plans here! I like the mention of that Jam and all your summer plans.

  6. Lovely photo, and our blackberries are still green and won't be appearing here till September (if they don't go mouldy first in the cold and the rain!). I am a Feedly fan too,so welcome! Hoping the rest of the week unfolds well ...

  7. A fairly quiet week here...glad to hear Henry has arrived safely!
    Alison xx

  8. oh hello to the scavenger hunt..I best get some photos posted! x

  9. sounds like a great week ahead - I love blackberries but definitely an autumn crop here

  10. I said hello to the Scavenger Hunt - but I know you already know that, Thanks for the links in your "Hello" list Rinda - I will be checking them out . J x

  11. You are making me wish for summer! I enjoy Feedly and found it very easy to learn to use. I LOVE the little subscribe toolbar that hovers at the bottom of a page, so easy to add new sites.

  12. I've been using Feedly since Google announced they were retiring reader. I like it. It's grown on me.

  13. Yep, I have switched to Feedly too and I am liking it :)

  14. One of these weeks I'm actually going to read everyone's Hello Monday posts on Monday!! LOL I said Hello to Jury Duty Monday morning this week, but was released before noon. Also saying Hello to a scrapping day with Mama this afternoon & back to regular exercise now that the twins are gone.

  15. Sounds like a busy week. Jam sounds nice!

  16. Oh those blackberries look good - I picked raspberries today but the blackberry blossom is just starting to open with a few baby berries visible too.
