Wednesday, May 1, 2013

PHC: Limitless

When I looked through my photographs for this month, searching for the one which most touched my heart and my soul, I realized that I never once took out my big camera.  All my photos were on my iphone camera roll. But that's okay because I found this shot, taken looking up into the Eucalyptus trees in the open space by my home. 
There's something about the shape of the tree branches and leaves, 
the perspective, 
the layers of near to far, all reaching out to the sky. 
I imagine myself lying on a blanket, gazing upward, 
and I feel . . . 
Photo Heart Connection is a monthly self-crit photo practice hosted by Kat Sloma. 
To see the selections from other photographers and/or to play along, check out this link.


  1. There is something about shots like this that I love - and I think you have put your finger on it with the word 'limitless'. Anything is possible.

  2. This is beautiful Rinda. I have a thing for trees, your 'limitless' expression is perfect.

  3. Yes. Lying on a blanket looking upwards..

  4. Lying on a blanket with no worries. "Limitless"

  5. I like the POV and glad that using the iphone strikes you as "fine". It is turning out great images if this is an example. I bought an iphone in the fall and have been unable to fall in love with taking photos with it as so many others do. Look for me; I'm the one with the big-ass camera.

  6. Definitely - been sitting look up into the cherry tree branches and loving that view.

  7. Beautiful photo and words Rinda.

  8. There's a famous Australian painter who often painted this aspect of trees, William Robinson. I love the feeling of lying on the ground looking up through the canopy.

  9. What a fantastic perspective! It does seem like April flew by, so I can understand not getting out the camera. I really only had mine out for the one inspiration day with a friend.

  10. Very majestic! I see myself laying down on a throw with a nice picnic basket! Maybe a nap that I never take!

  11. Very atmospheric & really draws you in...or should that be up?!! :D

  12. I hadn't thought of the trees like that before, but you are so right ... and very observant.

  13. What a great connection you've made to this photo. Shots like this are always favorites of mine.

  14. I get the same feeling from looking up into tall trees like these. This is a beautiful image that speaks to my heart, too.

  15. Beautiful photo-heart connection. Love your words

  16. Wow, this is a beautiful photo, Rinda!

  17. Wonderful photo ... I can almost smell the Eucalyptus!

  18. There is something very special about eucalyptus trees, and this shot captures it. I love the perspective!

  19. Beautiful, Rinda. The photo, and your lovely words. xo

  20. Thank you for sharing, Rinda. I get the feeling you could easily break through that canopy and truly be limitless. All you have to do is remember to look up. Cheers!

  21. The iPhone is so handy to capture those unplanned moments. Love you shot!

  22. There is an expanse and a power in this image! Wonderful Photo-Heart Connection this month.

  23. Such strong beautiful powerful lines! I love this!

  24. Love that look up perspective, so great.

  25. This is beautiful! I love taking shots looking up at the tops of trees. It does bring back childhood memories of lying in the grass under a shade tree!
