Wednesday, May 15, 2013

On Being "Free as a Bird"

Last weekend, Jennifer hosted her "Onwards and Upwards Blog Event" which had many fun challenges.  One, called "Be as Free as a Bird" encouraged you to experiment on a project, doing something you normally wouldn't do because you worry it will spoil everything.  I decided to give the challenge a go and created some blank card bases using pretty paper, images from my collage sheets and some Elle Studio journaling blocks.  I created them, by matching colors and mood. The scary part was I didn't know how I would finish them and worried about whether I had any appropriate stamps to add.  Here's what the bases looked like:
I added "Happy Birthday" to make the one up top and really liked it. Here's how I finished the other two:
Maybe not as successful as the Birthday card, but I'd still feel good about sending these out.
Jennifer also said you could fulfill the challenge by making a project with a bird on it or by putting down embellishments without worrying too much about placement.  So, I made these two cards:
I like them both very much. They feel very "me." It was a lot of fun to create cards quickly and without stressing about whether they would be "perfect" or not. 
When was the last time you let yourself go creatively and be "free as a bird" without worrying about perfection? If it's been a while, I would highly recommend it!


  1. Yep, well, I'm not very good at that concept ..... my creations are always very rigid and planned. Hmmm ... not such a good thing hey?

  2. I'm not very good at it either....not on cards or scrapbook pages anyway....I've never made the base of a card before I know what is going on it....I should give it a go. Yours have turned out really well....and the last two are definately very you.

  3. Oh these are nice - glad you tried something new and had fun.

    I often make cards which I then consciously don't finish - to give me quick bases to personalise later.

  4. That concept is why I prefer to keep mixed media separate from scrapbooking! And just have to say - that gargoyle card made me giggle.

  5. Yes, very you :) and in a totally good way.

    I play about in my head a lot before I commit anything to paper. I'm happy to mess around without fear, the wanting it just right only kicks in at the end when I don't know when to stop

  6. I love how you have made them very you whilst going out of your comfort zone. Lovely! I am awful at crafting without fear. I tend to stick to things I know!

  7. I do believe I recognize one of those journaling boxes - so fun!! I think these cards turned out great. I've been trying different things lately, not worrying about perfection. I'm hoping to try the assignments for the Get Artsy workshop (lots of new stuff for me) as soon as I finish grading finals today!

  8. I'm not very good at that either, but maybe next week when I have some free time I'll try it out! What's to lose, a few pieces of paper? Usually we (stampers) can "fix" anything!
    Your cards worked out great I think!

  9. I have been doing this a bit recently Rinda, starting with the sewing class I did recently (and am still doing!), it helped me to move on to making something for The Great Big Swap without getting too stressed about the need for perfection. I have a little mantra I use when I begin to stress about crafting... "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good".

    Your cards are lovely and yes, very you.

  10. I learned many years ago that I was my own worst critic. This knowledge made it easier for me to fly with my creativity.

  11. Your creations have popped into being most beautifully! The top one has a lovely retro feel ... I love the idea of spontaneous and not knowing - but need to put it into action :).

  12. Yep - I think I'd be able to tell they were done by you. :) I'm not good at all at making a base - I need to know what I'm going to put on it, use it for before I can start.

  13. These all look great! I love the idea of creating card bases without knowing how you are going to finish them off, might have to try that one out for myself! I love the gargoyle one especially as it's so quirky but cool!

    Thanks so much for entering my challenge! x
