Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Photographer's Eye

Vignette #17: Change is Inevitable 
I am heading out back to complete some errand - water the plants or relieve the dogs, probably. But I stop when I see this furry yellow fella.  It's the first caterpillar of the season. My photographer's eye tells me to stop. Capture the texture.  And the color, so vibrant against the African daisies in our front yard. Think about the metamorphosis which caterpillars signify. Change will come. It is inevitable. And so often . . . it is good.
My Photographer's Eye is a semi-regular series designed to feature my instagram photography and a brief accompanying narrative. You can see the other vignettes in this series by clicking on this link.


  1. love that photo you have captured the caterpilla perfectly and love all your words too xxx

  2. I think it's interesting how much bigger the photograph makes it seem than it would be in real life. If that makes sense.

  3. For some reason I am afraid of those ugly caterpillars. Today you made me think of them as what a beauty it will become.

  4. Wonderfully spotted, nicely photographed and thoughtfully displayed ... A little gem!

  5. Such a great shot. I love the contrasting textures and such bright colours.

  6. a beautiful moment captured!

  7. Well spotted, a great capture.

  8. Beautifully written and captured on camera

  9. I too like the textures of wood,leaf and fuzzy caterpillars :)

  10. Oh how brave you were to take that picture! It sends shivers all over me...
