Friday, May 10, 2013

Liberate Your Art Blog Hop

For the third year in a row, I participated in Kat Sloma's Liberate Your Art swap. The purpose is to take the leap to reproduce your artwork and then to share it with the world (in postcard form). Last year I sent out these two postcards (one mixed media; one photo) and received this wonderful assortment. This year, I went with photography and sent out the four post cards above.  In return, I received:
Red Barn #4 from John at artjuv.enation. His wonderful mixed media creation was a bit of a surprise because I sent him one of my post cards, and he spontaneously decided to reciprocate. Thanks John!
"A Picture is a poem without words" from Jill at Finger on the Shutter.
"A Little Flakely" from Granny Sharon
A wonder train crossing from Linda Sewallius. It had this wonderful Rumi quote, "Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love."
"Tillage" from Laura Lok of Stamp Mouse Photo. I loved her Daniel Webster quote, "When tillage begins, other arts follow. The Farmers, therefore, are the founders of the human civilization."
And last, but not least:
"Adorned and Alone" from Kat herself! She sends a postcard to everyone in the swap - can you believe it? You can click here to go to Kat's blog where she has a slide show featuring all the postcards received - 216 in total!
"Good Travels" from Christine in Germany.
I love participating in this swap and hope Kat continues it!  To see other swappers, click below:


  1. Oh what a lovely collection of art :) The internet is such a fun place!

  2. You received a beautiful set Rinda. I saw one of your cards yesterday, it made me feel good.

  3. This has to be one of the most amazing feats of organisation on the internet! A wonderful project, with so many beautiful, thoughtful pieces to admire

  4. I've seen these gorgeous postcards popping up all over the place - it looks like a fabulous swap!

  5. More gorgeous stuff for your collection Rinda...isn't it fun...:)

  6. Wasn't this fun? I enjoyed it even more this year than last, and I'm already thinking about next year.

  7. I have to thank you Rinda, as it was through you that I first found out about the swap - I so enjoyed taking part myself this year! I spotted a couple of your cards being shared, it made me smile to see them :)

  8. This has been so much fun! Being my first year I have learned a lot and will do a few things differently next time. The art your contributed is wonderful as well as the art your received. Take care!

  9. The cards you sent are lovely as are the cards you received. It was fun!

  10. I love that one of the road by Linda!

  11. What a marvelous concept. I need to look into participating in something like this someday. Blessings!

  12. The swap was such fun and now seeing and reading how and where the art was received is a treat. I'm so glad I saw your post about the swap when you signed up for it the second time you signed up. I followed your link and that is how I began. So glad I did. Thanks!

  13. I know Granny Sharon, so it is very neat to see where one of her cards landed. I love all of the art you both sent and received.

  14. You received very beautiful postcards, Rinda. The cards you sent out are wonderful as well - such lovely photography. I went with my artwork this time, next year I might go back to photography. We'll see.

  15. I'm so glad I participated this year -- not just for what I sent and received but to do this blog hop and discover so much more wonderful art.

  16. Love the art you both sent and received! All so beautiful. Cheers until next year! Sheila

  17. Wonderful, this has been so much fun.

  18. It was another great year! Thank you so much for your participation.
