Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hello Monday

Hello Monday . . . a meme started by Lisa Leonard
Hello 18 Year Old Henry . . . his birthday was last Thursday, and we had a quiet family dinner with his girl friend and his Godparents at Sam's Chowderhouse.  We're giving him a surprise on Thursday evening, as well.
Hello University of Oregon . . . Henry decided that he will be going there. We all agree it's the best choice for him.
Hello last week of the regular high school baseball season . . . there's a chance the boys are going to the playoffs, and we're keeping our fingers crossed.
Hello new running shoes . . . for me and Clara. The coach said we would need a fresh pair for our June 2nd race and now is the time to buy them and break them in a bit.
Hello sore hamstring . . . as the miles have added up, I have my first really sore muscles. I hope it's something I can treat with a little ice and rest.
Hello exam grading . . . it's the only bad part of my job, but it's what I'll be doing this week.
Hello DSLR Camera . . . I'm really enjoying taking photographs with my big camera this month, and I'm still enjoying picmonkey, especially for matching photos with quotes. I realize it's difficult to read the quote on the second photograph, but I like it regardless.  
***What are you saying hello to this week?***


  1. the quotes on your great photos are perfect. Happy Monday to you too x

  2. Superb shots today Rinda - I really love that top one. Henry is very youthful looking - from what I generally see in your photos - but in this one he looks far more mature.
    Sending many happy returns for a wonderful 18th!

  3. Happy 18th Henry, this is a fabulous photo of your handsome young man Rinda. Hope Ice & Rest mend you muscles.

  4. Excellent pics of your son, Rinda!

  5. Happy 18th and congrats to Henry. I have a suggestion for the quote on the second photo. In PSE, you can use the rectangular marquee tool (on a new layer between the photo and text) to draw a box behind the text. Fill with white and then adjust the opacity down. You'll have a subtle box that allows the text to come forward but the photo to still show behind.

  6. I really like that your photos look like baseball trading cards. Awesome! Happy Birthday to Henry. I am saying hello to some nice weather this week. I will also start working on a stained glass panel for the music director.

  7. Great photos & happy birthday to Henry.
    I've got a quiet week this week, mostly spend teaching the cats that you can go IN as well as going OUT of the new pet door. They feel it is an exit only door & refuse to come in it.

  8. Happy Birthday Henry! Those are great photos, and I love the quotes. I've never used picmonkey. I think I'll give it a try. This week I'm saying hello to the little bit of downtime I'm going to have plan for myself regardless of what needs to be done around me.

  9. Happy Birthday Henry. I am loving that you are getting the big camera out. Those photos are wonderful. I am saying hello to yet more revision!

  10. Happy birthday to Henry...he's so cute.... and Happy Monday, Tuesday...etc to you Rinda.

  11. not marking and grading are things I like about not formally teaching :) Happy Birthday to Henry, glad to have the university/college choices made too.

  12. What a great photo!

    TTO was asking me just a couple of days ago if Henry had made his choice. Now I'll be able to tell him. I bet he's excited!

  13. Love that first photo of Henry, and congrats on the college decision. It sounds like a great place, and we certainly love Oregon!

  14. Happy Birthday Henry!! Great photos Rinda xx

  15. Yeah for the decision being made and Belated Happy Birthday to Henry. I hope those muscles are feeling fine now. Love the photos and I can read the quote on that one.
