Friday, May 31, 2013

2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt!!!

Hello everyone and welcome to the 2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt!
I am really looking forward to hosting this event.  Everyone is welcome to join - the more, the merrier! So, tell your friends.  Bookmark this page, and let's get started!
Rules and guidelines are at the end of this post, but it's really very simple.  The goal is to get you out exploring with your camera this summer.  You have until the last day of summer (September 21) to find and photograph the following items:
1.   Open air market
2.   Theater for performing arts (not a movie theater)
3.   City Hall, Capitol or other similar civic building
4.   Airplane
5.   A sunset
6.   Someone or something taking a nap
7.   A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny
8.   A tower
9.   A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong
10.  A bench that is outside
11.  An animal in a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, etc.
12.  A cloud in the shape of something (please specify what you see)
13.  A fence
14.  A stained glass object or a mosaic
15.  A fire truck or police car
16.  A windmill 
17.  Candle(s)
18.  Your local pub/bar, coffee house or tea shop
19.  A fisherman
20. A dinosaur
21.  A photograph of you with an artistic tool or craft supply (you cannot substitute for this item)
Bonus/substitute items.  If you find any of the above items too difficult, feel free to substitute either (or both) of these items.  You can substitute up to two items, but you cannot substitute Item #21:
A person wearing an outfit (or item of clothing) that symbolizes your country
A sundial
And here are the guidelines/rules:
1.  Participants are encouraged to periodically post their finds on their blog. Try to add a "tag" or a"label" to each post, so that it is easy for readers to find all your scavenger hunt posts.  
2. If you plan to participate in the hunt, please leave me a comment with your blog address. I'll add you to my reader, so I can be sure to stop by and see any scavenger hunt posts you have.
3. Once a month, I will host a link-up party where people can check in and show off their finds!
4. You don't need a blog to participate!  Just find a photo hosting site, like flickr or shutter fly and put all your scavenger hunt photos in one album.  When we have the monthly check-ins, you can comment with a link to your photo album. 
5. On September 22, I will survey the participants and choose a winner, based on the number of items found.  If more than one person finds all the items, a random draw will determine the winner.  I will also draw a random winner from all the participants.  So, don't be discouraged if you don't find all of the items. Winners will receive a photography-related prize (either a photography book or entrance into an online photography class).  
6.  Remember the idea is not to search your photo files and find these items, but rather to take the photos between now and the end of summer. Also, let me know if there's something that's impossible for you (especially for my friends in the the southern hemisphere, where it is winter not summer), and I'll see what I can do to accommodate you. It's all about having fun and enjoying the hunt.
7.  Let me know if you have any questions!


  1. Rinda, I am so glad you clarified #12! Is this your version of delving into our psychologial subconsciousnesses?? Could be interesting!
    My mind is ticking already and I think I will limit myself once again to the term break which is at the end of June/start of July - but if some pop up earlier I will grab the chance.

    Nothing here seems dependant on being a summer time thing - the open air markets are not as plentiful but there is one that runs year round not too far from here.

    Love it!

    Hey, good luck for the run .... are you carb loading yet? Keep hydrated and have a fantastic time - you can do this and I will be cheering you all the way and waiting to hear and see how it went! Same goes for Clara! :-)

  2. I was so excited to see this post appear this morning! A great variety of things here and I can't wait to get started.i can see some here that will be easier than others but we all love a challenge!

  3. I've been waiting for this to appear and am so excited. I can't wait to get started, off to the zoo today so number 11 is in the bag.
    once again many thanks ....

  4. I saw this last year but it was too late for me to join in so I've been waiting patiently for this year's list. Looking forward to getting started. Thanks for organising it.

  5. great list Rinda, looking forward to hunting them down and seeing the variety of images we collectively find for each

  6. here great list and I am raring to go Thank you Rinda

  7. Can't wait! Great list - Hugh and I are excitedly discussing this :-). Thanks for running this :-)

  8. Is it that time already. It feels like winter here still. Interesting list though which will make for great finds...I hope.

  9. having now contemplated the list can I say congratulations on adding some items that are opportunistic - that mean keeping our eyes peeled all summer - as well as some that necessitate an outing and others that I know where I will find them

  10. OH, OH I'm in! My cousin and my daughter have also asked me to tell them as soon as the list is live. They are going to have a go too. I have printed off the list to put in the car so some of my pictures will have the added gloss of being taken at 40 miles per hour - can't fault it!!
    Did I say I am excited? well, I am!

  11. Good luck with your run Rinda :-)

    Thanks for the Scavenger Hunt ... it's a fun and interesting list!

  12. Hooray! Some of these will be a good challenge! Thanks so much for hosting, Rinda; camera charged up and ready to go!!

  13. So pleased to see this pop up today...and,of course, I'm in.
    A nice eclectic list....and I totally agree with Helena's comments.
    Good luck for the run.

  14. I'm ready to give this another go! Great list of items!

  15. Thanks for this Rinda, I'm in and I haven't even read the list. Is there a code for your lovely button?

  16. There are some great items this year Rinda. I have printed my list onto a 4x6 card to keep in my bag..Good luck everyone.
    I forgot to say 'good luck' to you & Clara, positive, happy thoughts will come from my corner of the world.

  17. YIPPPEEE!! The summer scavenger hunt list is up! Thanks so much Rinda for this challenge, I look forward to completing it again xxx

  18. I'm in! A great list which I have already read out to everyone here to get their brains thinking. I'll probably try to save it up for our holiday and see how many I can get when we are away. Thanks Rinda!

  19. I have been excitedly waiting for your scavenger hunt Rinda, in fact I thought yesterday was 1 June ;)
    Please count me in...
    I had so much fun playing along last year (all thanks to Jo Murray in Australia for introducing me to you)
    Wishing a happy weekend to you and yours

  20. What a fantastic list Rinda! So excited to play along. And I love that some of the items are so open to interpretation...

    Best of luck with the run!

  21. I got online this mornign specifically to see this!! Great list although I was reallllly hoping for a groom after last year's bride lol Thinking about you and Clare and the race and will be lifting a prayer in the morning. Have fun!!!

  22. We've been so busy packing to move that I almost missed this announcement. Been looking forward to this year's hunt because I enjoyed last year's so much. Some of the items will be challenging for me but I have high hopes of getting them all.

  23. YEA!!! i'm so glad you started this BEFORE vacation time!!! i already know where some of these things can be found on our annual Sea Ranch vacation!! Thanks RInda! Hope your upcoming run is fun!


  24. Woohoo! Can't wait to get started:)

  25. looking forward to doing this again. Good luck with the run.

  26. Hi Rinda, count me in! I missed participating last year because I had not even started my blog, but it sounds like an enormous amount of fun! Good Luck everyone! Andy

  27. Great list, can't wait to get started! Off into the city tomorrow so will get a good start!

  28. We went out today and Miss Em carried the list and all five of us had our cameras ready. Miss Em is really keen

  29. Wee hee and away we go. The family are all excited and we have already got one of the items from our day at the zoo on JUne 1. Hunt here we come.

  30. Oh I have been waiting for this and they all look quite possible. I can think of several that I could find just on a walk around town - and others that I am sure I will have the opportunity to find at some point over the summer.
    Thanks for adding to my summer fun.

  31. Brilliant list, though I am feeling anxious about the windmill. Ingenuity clearly needed! Thank you so much for giving us all the chance to b purposeful in our looking this summer.

  32. I've made a start today, for several things could be found in town. I've put them on my blog already.

  33. Excited to get started on the Photo Scavenger Hunt. Cheering for you and Clara.

  34. YIPPEE - so excited to see the list & start thinking of possibilities for photo outings! I have a busy week at home this week getting ready for upcoming summer visits and trips and activities, but I'll be on the look out for these items very very soon.

  35. Hoping to take part. Have linked this post to 12 Months in View

  36. The family keep asking me for the list I have written out. Their brains are ticking. Can't wait to get home to write my post and spread the word.

  37. I'm in. That's a great looking list. I'm already trying to figure out where I can get some of these. I think a trip into the city might be in order sometime over the summer. :)
    Good luck today.

  38. Oooh goody! I was only thinking about this the other day. Can I backdate to yesterday?? I took 2!

  39. Looking forward to the photo challenge this year.


  40. Oh have just been told about this and it sounds like FUN so please count me in if it isn't too late. I guess any order and we can substitute any of the first 20 with the 2 extras. Jolly good job as some are rather challenging. Off to photograph our fence. We have been getting quotes for a new one so I'll be doing before and after for my scrapbook - hope it gets done in time for this too. BJ

  41. I'm glad to see this start again we had a great time last year. Hopefully we'll manage the whole list as we're at the start this time. Thanks for the inspiration. Take Care. Sonja.x

  42. oooh some fun ones here. Looking forward to starting this :)

  43. You know I'm in, I love this challenge :) The Tomboy got a camera for her birthday so I shall give the list to her, too! x

  44. I'm going to participate this year. I have been waiting for this post to come across my google reader on my flipboard app and there it was today. Already printed off the list this evening and am looking forward to finding all the items on the list this Summer.

  45. Another great list! Too bad our trip was so early---I have photos of several of these, but I imagine I'll be able to find them again. Thanks, as always, for posting this. I'm sure to have Tracy, and any one else I'm with hunting for them as well!

  46. I'm in for the first time. Can't wait to get started :0)

  47. Here at last!...I'm in!...hope the feet are OK!
    Alison xx

  48. Looks like another great list this year. Does a farmer's market count as an open air market?

  49. I can't wait to start snapping photos - it looks like quite a hunt might be in store this year. Thanks, Rinda.

  50. Oh, I am tempted to do this - so I will! #13 made my heart sing, as you can imagine!
    Thank you for another scavenger hunt that sure will be a lot of fun!

  51. I can't believe I've been waiting for this for months then I miss the grand launch! Anyway - I'm here now! I've printed off the list now and pinned the post to Pinterest to share with others too.

    I'm looking forward to getting started [I just wish I'd spotted it earlier - I think I missed some opportunities on a day out yesterday!]

    Thanks Rinda! x

  52. I spotted this on Julie Kirk's pinterest (see post above), thanks Julie! :) This would be perfect for my photography if I could just get back into blogging....

  53. And now it feels like summer. I can't believe it's come round so fast and having read this years scavenger list I have ideas already. So excited to get started I might go out today to the market,
    Jo xxxx

  54. Hi Rinda,
    This sounds like fun! I'm in! My blog: Thanks,Susan

  55. Im in! Love to play along with photo-hunts and I need to get out and about more with my camera which seems to have sat in the camera bag all winter long - not good!

  56. Ha, better late than never, I've just read the rules, so I'll be participating in this, thanks so much, I'm Joy and my blog is

  57. Wow! I'm comment #57 - so awesome! You know I'm in, for sure. I have the list copied into a note on my phone, and the hunt begins...

  58. I am certainly in & at least one of the boys is as well!

  59. Count me in! Last year my good friend and I did your scavenger hunt on our trip through the upper Midwest. We plan to take your list with us again next month when we visit Philadelphia. It is a fun addition to our travels. :-)

  60. I'm in. I'm so excited to be participating again this year.

  61. Woooooeee Rinda...I've been waiting for this. It comes at our annual holiday time and I will be in exotic places again. Please sign me up.

  62. Totally planning to join this year. Some of these should keep me busy lol

  63. I will print off your list to keep it handy but I dont know if I will be very successful as i tend to lose interest quickly with any challenges!! I hope I can get my 10yr old son looking out for stuff as well :-)

  64. I would love to do this! I don't have a blog, so we will have to figure it out as we go! Thx so much!

  65. Opps late to the party but I would like to join in please x

  66. Just blogged my first 2 entries for #13 fence & #14 stained glass, I have labelled them 2013 scavenger hunt (in fact I have just discovered labels so am trying to go back and label all my old blog entries - mega task!) BJ

  67. Would love to join in your Scavenger Hunt. I will aim for one or two a week. I've already taken my first photo and with blog later in the week.
    Thank you for getting me out there in the sunshine :)

  68. Sounds like great fun. I'm in! My blog :

  69. Thanks for organising this Rinda - yes I am going to give it a go for the first time. Need to get the list printed out then I'llbe good to go. my blog
    J x

  70. I'm in, looks like a fun list again.

  71. I'm going to try again this most of them last year!!! Xx

  72. I saw lots of these posts last year and I might try and give it a go this year. It isn't summer here (and I don't have any vacation time) but nothing seems to be overly 'summery' in the list above. I shall print off the list and see what I find while going about my normal day. It might even make me open my eyes more to the world around me :-)

  73. Ooh - so thankful you have done this again - and I have found it - I was too late last year - will definitely do it this year - new to blogging so it will give me something else to blog!! Thanks

  74. I had a great time doing this the last couple of years and have already got off to a flying start last weekend when I went to Stratford-upon-Avon. hoping to get my post with my first 7 up soon.

  75. I came across this so late last year, that I didn't manage everything, but I am looking forward to joining in this year. my blog is

  76. I am intrigued, joining and going to try my best to hit everything on the list! Thanks for hosting..

  77. I'm in for sure Rinda and will be using instagram. I love the list you have created and look forward to the hunt!!

  78. Thanks for this challenge, I wrote further up about needing to get back to blogging, well I have...and have done my first 8 pictures already. If you would like to take a look, they are here:

  79. This sounds like fun. I would love to join in.
    My blog where I will post stuff is:
    I will probably post on Flickr too(I don't have anything to use for instagram).
    I already know I will have to be creative for a few things- like a windmill...

  80. I should have added im Scousevulture on Instagram. Done my first one :) im not brave enough for a blog yet.

  81. Have added a few photos for the challenge today so I am about 1/3 of the way along now. Not sure if my proposed photos for #9 are acceptable, perhaps you could let me know. Thanks BJ

  82. Just found this through my mum, would like to join the photo party if not too late!
    Blog is

  83. This sounds like fun. My kids might even join me. you can find our photos at

  84. Just found this and would love to join if it's not too late. I'll start now- looking forward to it:)

  85. Just added a few more today - you'll love the tower! Nearly as much as I am loving this hunt. BJ

  86. Hi
    this sounds like a brilliant ides although looking at the number of comments it might be very time consuming looking at all the photos but i'll be giving it a go any way
    janet @
    or click on the link

  87. I discovered your challenge through Sian's blog and I'm really looking forward to joining in. Thanks so much for doing this. :-) My blog:

  88. I'm printing it out and hopefully can play along during our travels through Europe in August. Some look easier than others but I guess that is all part of the fun! :P

  89. Im so pumped for this. its my first photography scavenger hunt so i hope i do well. my blog:

  90. im really excited for this its my first hunt so i hope i do well. my blog:

  91. I've just discovered this challenge from Julie Kirk's blog - and although it's not summer here I'd love to join in!

  92. Here from Julie Kirks Blog. Sounds fun! I'm in!

  93. Just can't help myself so did a bit more scavenging today, really enjoying this challenge. BJ

  94. Great list! I'm in! :)

  95. Oh this looks interesting. :) Look forward to taking part.

  96. I'm in! Thanks for a fun challenge and a motivation to get outside and take some photographs!

  97. I found you via Julie Kirk x
    I go on holiday tomorrow & have printed off the list to make a start :)
    you can find me at

  98. Hello, I've just come over from Joy at Daisy Row and would love to join in the Summer scavenger hunt if its not too late.

  99. I am joining the Photography Scavenger Hunt. I posted today for the first time. You will notice I am also new to blogging. Many first for me this summer. I have all my photos on Google +. Can you see them there or do I need to post them somewhere else? Let me know.

  100. Hi Rinda,

    I linked up earlier to your scavenger hunt on my blog last month but had not yet got around to commenting to let you know that I would love to join in ... although I doubt I will get the full compliment, it is fun to try to find as many as possible.

  101. Hello Rinda,

    I would really love to take part in this competition. I love photography - and having some challenges really helps me to look at things around differently. My website is I have made a special page there for the pictures, so they are all together. The website opens into my blog page, and the next page is the competition entries. Hope that is Ok. Have managed 7 so far, but have some ideas as I go out and about for some of the others...
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  102. Hello .... My friend got me into this ... And I'm finding it quite addictive looking for the things. I'm going to add them all to a Flickr set.... If this is ok.

  103. I am in! I plan to post the photos to my blogs:, and

  104. I was excited to find this challenge for photography. I am also doing a quilting challenge this year, my other passion. My blog is. and I hope to get started on your summer challenge this weekend. Thanks for the ideas - Irene

  105. Hi Rinda,
    I just discovered your amazing competition on Lesley's blog and popped over to check it out. I'm going to be joining in from now on and posting the photographs on my blog
    Thanks for hosting

  106. Just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying the scavenger hunt, 7 items checked off the list so far since Sunday!

  107. Oh, I just found this and would like to join in. Sounds like fun!

  108. I think I forgot to let you know I am in again this year. Last year's hunt drove me to capture great shots of our life and locality. We have found quite a few things this year and hope to find a fisherman today. Thanks Rhinda

  109. I just found this and would like to join in :)

  110. I'm very late to leave a comment but I hope this is OK. Armed with your list I've been taking photos all summer and hope to have crossed everything off the list by the end of the week. (My blog is

  111. Have only just posted my photos on my blog but having been taking them all summer and a few more still to take. My blog can be found at

  112. Have only now posted my photos having taken the last one today - my blog is
    I have really enjoyed taking part in this challenge.

  113. Sorry meant say
    The Scavenger Hunt photographs are in the Scavenger Hunt Folder dated 20th June 2013.
    I've had such fun with this challenge - Thank you.

  114. I have just finished collecting the photographs, they can be viewed on my blog - have had so much fun in getting these, thank you.

  115. Have just completed my blog post

    I've really enjoyed taking part is this, made me and my family see everyday things more clearly.

    Not a complete list but I managed to find some items more than once.

  116. Finished my list today. Visit my photos at Sandy this has been such a fun project for the summer. Thank you for hosting.

  117. I did it and it was really a focus on our family vacation. My 10-year-old son and I had a blast!
    Thanks for the idea.
    Please note that there are more than just my pics here as another group that I belong to followed along for ourselves. The group is the Boston Area Scrap Fanatics.
