Friday, April 26, 2013

My Photographer's Eye/Messy Little Details

Vignette #15: Rusted Memories
On the side of the house, there's a pile of stuff waiting to go to the dump. Unusable. Rusted. Discarded.  But, in the right light, my photographer's eye spies an interesting combination of shapes and a muted tapestry of colors. As I gaze deeper, I remember the use that each of these once had - the hack saw used to trim branches off a Christmas tree; a shovel and hoe used to turn the garden; a tray from our old Weber BBQ.  Rusted memories brought back to me when I pause to capture a photograph.
My Photographer's Eye is a semi-regular series designed to feature my instagram photography and a brief accompanying narrative. You can see the other vignettes in this series by clicking on this link
My blog friend, Carolyn Phillips, is starting a new photography meme called "Messy Little Details," giving photographers a place to share photos of those little details you can't help but shoot. I thought Rusted Memories would fit nicely in the thread, but I also wanted to post this photograph:
While walking Gypsy along my favorite Montara back road, I saw a bunch of dandelions. Getting close to just one and looking straight down, I was amazed at what I saw. To me, the flower resembled a faraway galaxy and reminded me of a moon jelly fish.  Recurring patterns in nature revealed when I stopped to capture the messy little details.
To see other photos of the messy little details, click on this link.


  1. love the colours on the tools and yes the dandelion looks other worldly

    glad to spot the scavenger hunt 2013 button and 'coming soon'

  2. I just love the first photograph, but the dandelion is also beautiful.

  3. They're both great looking pictures but I have to say I like the dandelion puff ball one the most and yes it does look alien. I'd never thought that of them before.

  4. ooh I love your rusted memories photo and i have to admit to taking lots of shots of dandelions as they are so beautiful, so delicate and so temporary!

  5. We have been clearing up a few rusted memories from the side of our house today; and buying some new planters. I should have taken some pictures first :)

  6. You have a great eye for a good shot Rinda.

  7. I love the dandelion shot! I thought of you while I was in Jamaica and the Scavenger Hunt ... you'll understand later :)

  8. I've been clearing out bits and pieces here too - spring does inspire cleaning doesn't it? :)

  9. There are wonderful things about both those photographs. I love the rusty tools, and the story behind why they caught your eye with their memories; but the dandelion head is amazing as well - I love seed heads.
    Thanks for linking up and for sharing the link.

  10. What a beautiful shot of that simple little dandelion. What good Eyes you have my dear cousin.
