Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Look Up//Look Down #13: In the Garden

At the beginning of the year, I joined in with Helena's "Look Up//Look Down" photography meme.  I'm really glad I did because it's a great reminder to document the everyday.  Almost half of my up//down photos, including this week's entries, have been taken in the backyard. The up photo is the newly blossoming pear tree and the down photo shows the detritus from putting in the new spring vegetable garden. I like how both show that the beginning of spring is more full of twigs and bare branches than green leaves and flowers. That will come later.
I think it will be really interesting to look back on all these pictures of my back yard years from now. I am learning the visual potential of a limited subject matter. Thanks Helena! 
If you've participated in a long term photograph meme, what have you learned from the experience?


  1. a lovely pairing of bare branches in spring - about to burst with growth and pruned

  2. Yes I agree with Helena, a great pairing! I am so looking forward to getting out into my garden once this cold weather goes!

  3. No buds on our fruit trees yet...probably just as well.....as we [yet again] have snow flurries today!!!
    I love the second photo....and all it says about Spring activities in the garden.

  4. I love your garden - please share photos of the harvest too! I don't have a veggie garden, so I get a CSA box each week. For my 365 I am taking a photo of my backyard each Wednesday to see the changes. Ofcourse in California they are subtle, but within one week my Japanese maple has really "leafed" out.

    Next year I might try this look up- look down thing. I am always inspired by the prompts/blogs you find on line and you gorgeous photography!

  5. I love the garden at this time of year..I'm always examining plants for signs of new growth...great pics, Rinda!
    Alison xx

  6. That is such an optimistic pairing - both promising something new and better :). The sharpness of your image is wonderful.

  7. I love this pairing Rinda. I too love this meme, I like the prompt to photograph the ordinary , I like to match or pair the pictures too. I like a long term project. It keeps my camera right by me and I learn from my mistakes. In the past if I had a run of not so good pictures I was discouraged but now I just learn, move on and photograph more. :)

  8. Love this idea of look up/ look down.
    And your photos are stunning as always.
    I will certainly try this prompt myself. Thanks for sharing.

  9. My post Easter catch up has brought me here to see what you have been up to. I hope your big Thursday night meeting goes well. And that Clara gets her knitting finished up! I have TSO vacuuming out my car this afternoon - that'll give her a bit of structure and purpose on the holidays hehe..

    This is going to be a good time of year for looking up and down..an excellent way to capture the changes. You are right, as ever!

  10. I have not done a long term photo project but after seeing all that you have discovered it makes me want to set some time aside to do it!

  11. I like the leafing out and the promise of gardening to come. Just ordered a bunch of plug plants - just too cold to try and do seeds at the moment. I'll let those with heated greenhouses grow them for me ;)

    I like the reminders to record the everyday from all of the memes I do.

  12. Lovely blossoms--can't wait to see a few here!

  13. Don't you just love this time of year - blooms or the promise of blooms popping up all over the place. Now as for the cleaning up of the garden I could do without that. :)
