Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Photographer's Eye

Vignette #11 A Riot of Poppies
The poppies didn't wait for the first day of spring to come to life. By the time the equinox arrived, they were rioting and rollicking and spilling from their container. Almost past their prime, my photographer's eye recognized their beauty in the urban landscape and stopped to document it.
My Photographer's Eye is a semi-regular series designed to feature my instagram photography and a brief accompanying narrative. You can see the other vignettes in this series by clicking on this link.


  1. oh such fabulous colour combo - and a riotous touch of spring is most welcome

  2. Poppies are one of my favourite flowers - love that shot of colour against the layered grey urban background.

  3. I love the pot the poppies are in and their colour is spectacular! Great shot!

  4. love that pot! What a great colour combination:)

  5. Wow, I love the combination of nature and urban. The flowers are trying to poke their heads out here but it is really far too cold!

  6. Super photo and I love how you have angled it to get the street behind

  7. Beautiful photo of the CA poppies! We had an unusual visitor to our yard the other day. At first we thought it was a baby hummingbird and then realized it was not! After searching I finally pinned it down to a hummingbird moth or clearwing moth. Rare and especially where I live!

  8. Beautiful color combination - and who could resist those wonderful California poppies?

  9. Gorgeous! - I never knew californian poppies were orange! I'm so used to the European red ones :)

  10. Aren't these lovely! In our monochrome world here they have brought a touch of sunshine into my day. And the blue is a great contrast. Nicely spotted!

  11. Such gorgeous flowers....I can't wait for our poppies to be out....but I think I'm going to have to....we still seem to be in mid-winter over here!!

  12. Absolutely fabulous, I love the californian poppy, so cheerful and they look wonderful in the blue pot.

  13. I've never been able to grow poppies. At their prime, your poppies must have been beautiful.

  14. Your CA Poppies are so pretty in the handsome pot...we have a long time to wait here in N VA for poppies to bloom ;)

  15. I love Californian poppies..fab pic!
    Alison xx

  16. Great color combinations. Lovely flowers and pot.
