Friday, February 15, 2013

My Photographer's Eye

Vignette #8 Harbor Views
I am blessed to live near the water, in an area of immense natural beauty. My photographer's eye encourages me to notice the harbor from different angles, in different light, capturing its many moods and colors.  I took this shot when Clara and I were walking the dogs up in the foothills above our house.  We had just trudged bounded up a steep hill and I turned to see how much light we had left in the day. The sun was just beginning to set. I love how you can make out a few details in the silhouette - the sailboats and break water and the radar tower. 
A few days later, Paul and I were walking along the Coastside trail, and my photographer's eye saw this:
The blue water, the white foam, the sandy shore all framed by the rusty bridge which runs over the creek bed. One harbor. Two views. Can you choose a favorite?
My Photographer's Eye is a semi-regular series designed to feature my instagram photography and a brief accompanying narrative. You can see the other vignettes in this series by clicking on this link


  1. both beautiful, I think I prefer the energy of the second (this morning anyway)

  2. They are both beautiful and I can't choose between them as they both have different features. I love sunsets and never never tire of them. The rusty bridge frame is a perfect forefront to the waves and I just want to be standing there watching the water with you, in fact I feel I am.
    Isn't it great that blogging can bring friends together who live miles and miles apart.

  3. Love the rusty bridge photo! I echo what Mary B has said:)

  4. Love the rusty bridge one best!

  5. I'm a Libra, I can't make choices unless my back is against the wall and I am in a life or death situation. I love both pictures for totally different reasons - mostly envy for both.
    I live in a riverside, industrial city. The river has the second highest tidal rise and fall in the world, second only to the Amazon. We are close to the estuary so the river banks are thick grey/brown mud. It doesn't have the beauty of a seaside harbour. While I envy the beauty I wouldn't want to live too far from this place, it's home.

  6. Both are beautiful, Rinda - please don't ask me to choose! Your photographer's eye has the gift of spotting the unusual, the transient ... I do love this series.

  7. I just love a 'natural frame' Rinda so the second one wins for me.

  8. Oh, that view looks so good. There is just something about California that makes the water look so much better than on the east coast. Maybe because it is WARM there and I am freezing my butt off here?

  9. Ah yes, the sea . . . I would so love to live close enough to walk along it regularly. Lake Ontario just doesn't measure up! And it's so, so cold right now.

  10. I hope this doesn't post twice as it didn't publish last time.

    What lovely photos, especially the rusty bridge one. You certainly have an eye for composition.

  11. I like them both but I'm liking the second one more. I envy you having such views.

  12. They both call out to me as I dream of having the ocean as a daily view but I have a soft spot for sunrises and sunsets so the first one is my favorite. So glad you girls decided to bound instead of trudging ;)

  13. They are both great pictures. I feel that beautiful blue water is calling me.

  14. Love you photos. I love the ocean. It offers so much wonder and beauty into a persons life. I love seeing how you capture it through your photos.

  15. No, no favourite - both are beautiful and exactly what I need to see right now. I just wish my toes were in that water!

  16. You are lucky to live in such a beautiful area Rinda!

    Both views have their would not be easy to pick a fav


  17. not sure I could pick a favorite, but the blue ocean really calls to me in the second one.

  18. Pretty - but I prefer the colour of the second :)

  19. I really like both photographs but if I had to choose I really like the composition around wonderful natural skyline setting on the first photograph. Great post. Andy
