Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hello Monday

Photo Credit: Mark Foyer, Half Moon Bay Review
{Hello Monday} . . .  
Hello Soccer Playoffs . . . Henry's soccer team finished their regular season last week. And what a season it was!  They finished in first place, claiming the league championship with an 11-1-2 record. Their finish qualifies them to go to the California Central Coast Section (CCS) playoffs. It's very exciting for the boys, and I'm so happy that Henry was able to win a championship in this, his senior year. The photograph above was taken at their last home game, when the team honors the seniors and their parents.  I was thrilled that Paul was well enough to attend and am really grateful to Mark Foyer, our local sports writer, for taking this picture. Some days the things that used to be commonplace now seem miraculous.
Hello School Vacation  . . . The kids have this week from school. Unfortunately, I still have to work. I do at least have Monday off, and I'm hoping to do a bit of creating.
Hello Return to Fitness . . . It feels so good to be getting back to the gym and to running.
I hope you're looking forward to a wonderful week!  What are you saying hello to?


  1. Well done Henry's team! That's a lovely photo, so glad you got to have it taken.

  2. hello lovely smiles, and what an adventure for Henry to be in the playoffs

  3. That picture says so much more than hello to winning the league! Oh, and in my mind you are much taller than that picture shows - or is Paul just very tall? Either way you don't look old enough to be Henry's mother.

  4. Congratulations to Henry and the rest of the team. I have to ask, is Paul REALLY tall? In my imagination, I think of you as tall yourself but he is overshadowing all of you!

  5. Congratulations to Henry and the team. We're saying hello to a week off school too.
    Fiona x

  6. What a nice picture! Congrats to Henry and his team. Good luck to them in the next round.

  7. Congrats to Henry & the team! My kids only have today off. Their week off is in late March, assuming they don't lose all of it to snow days before then.

    We are saying hello to cold cold mornings. It was 21 degrees this morning, but it is warming up to 43

  8. Congrats to Henry and good luck in the upcoming matches! This is a fabulous photo, I pray that Paul is feeling as well as he looks :) I am hoping to channel a bit of you and do some mixed media art this week ;>

  9. Beautiful family picture and such a proud moment! Hope all is going well for you and that Paul is doing better! Hugs!

  10. Congrats to Henry and the team, great that Paul could go to the game to! I'm saying hello to my parents who arrived yesterday and hello to a long week ahead with my MIL's rosary and funeral later this week.

  11. Rinda, that is an awesome photo! Congrats to the team. Enjoy your week.

  12. Congrats to Henry and the team. I am saying Hello to rain. Nice to be indoors just taking it easy and catching up reading blogs.

  13. I'm saying Hello to that lovely photograph of the three of you and to Paul looking so well.
    God bless you.

  14. Congrats to Henry and his team. What a great photograph. Family photos are something I never take for granted. Every one is precious!

  15. Many congratulations Henry! That's a good photo. It's good to see it and everything it stands for

  16. Congratulations to Henry's team, the pictures is indeed beautiful with such a wonderful back story.

  17. I'm just happy to be saying Hello to all of you in that lovely photo! Sf sorry that it is ow Thursday :(..What a wonderful achievement and you be rightly proud parents.

  18. Hello to seeing the three of you together..and Paul looking so well!
    Alison xx

  19. So glad that Paul was well enough to attend - the everyday is indeed miraculous.

    I like the photo here too - lovely to see you together.
