Wednesday, January 2, 2013

PHC: 2012 and December Photo

Kat Sloma of Kat's Eye Studio has an approach to photography she calls the "photo-heart connection."  She urges participants to review their photographs each month and choose the photograph which "gives you the strongest connection to your heart and soul. Write about that connection to the image in a blog post or in a photo description on Flickr, then link into the monthly link up." I really like this idea and have decided to participate this year. One of the things that appeals to me is that it's not about choosing your best photograph, but the one which really speaks to you and who you are. 
Here's the photograph I have chosen for December, 2012 (you can click on it to enlarge it):
I almost chose the photograph of Aria from yesterday (which is a technically better photograph and which does touch my heart) 
or this photograph, which has such joy and good will.
But I chose the one of my boy, sitting on the turf, after having been fouled. I love the intensity with which he plays soccer and I love all the emotion on his face. I think it is a very evocative photograph (even if it is not technically perfect). For me, this photograph is a window into his competitive soul. The photograph also connects me to him at this particular time in his life. I know that this is his last season of High School soccer, which makes every game bittersweet. I am so glad I was there and was able to capture this moment and all it represents. It reminds me of this quote from Susan Sontag: "To photograph is to confer importance."
To see other choices from December, 2012, check out this link.
In addition, I have chosen the photograph from all of 2012 which gives me the strongest connection to my heart and soul:
The photo is titled "Ghosts in the Field," and you can read its story in this post. When I started looking through all my photos from 2012, I thought it would be difficult to choose just one photograph but this one easily jumped out at me. My heart and soul are with farm workers and this photograph expresses how I feel they are treated, and the possibility of using photography to change the world. 
Anyone else out there participating in the Photo Heart Connection? Any new takers? What photo would you choose for December or for 2012?


  1. I can understand how a mother would feel a strong heart-connection to her son. In the picture of Aria sitting on the turf during a game of soccer, You have connected to his emotion and all this game represents for him. You have captured his feelings well.

  2. great capture of his emotion in the game and yes I like the idea of the one that connects

  3. A very interesting post Rinda. I keep lots of technically imperfect photos, because I like what they convey to me. Great capture of your son on the turf and I love your dog's expression in the last couple of shots of her I've seen on your blog. I'd not heard that quote before. One to remember.

  4. The story of your son at this moment in the game and of the ghosts in the field are both so compelling. When I read these stories that go along with photos that connect to the heart, the images take on a whole new look and feel to me. Without the stories I think these images would simply be overlooked.

    Deborah (via PHC)

  5. This is so beautiful. That moment you captured is very special. What a wonderful thing to participate in this year.

  6. I love the image of your son, captured in that moment. It's strong and powerful.

  7. When your son is old and gray he is really going to appreciate all the wonderful photos you've taken of him. I must admit that the photo of Aria touches my heart, too.

  8. Rinda the photo of your son is wonderful. Thank you for the link to Kat's project, I am joining in with a post today. Her ideas about photography are exactly how I feel.
    I remember so well your Ghosts in the Field post. I am not surprised that you have chosen this one from 2012 to add to your post today.

  9. I think you chose a great photo,Rinda....and I can see why it really touched your heart.But I do love the expression you caught on Aria's face.
    Your comment on my blog reminded me I have a few online courses to finish as well!!

  10. This is such a wonderful idea - a perfect way to really think about the photos we take. ..and thinking about each draws the story out too.

  11. as a photographer, you open up yourself to us, the viewers, by showing what is important to you. it is a vulnerable position, putting yourself out there in your photographs, but must be deeply satisfying, as well. (written from the position of one who is not a photographer but appreciates the art form)

  12. I remember well the photo of the field ... and there is something of a similar depth of emotion in the one of your boy. You have the gift to seeing what others might not and gently and skilfully directing their attention to it. It is always a delight, and thought-provoking, to come here. Thinking of you all, and sending warmest good wishes for health and strength in 2013.

  13. That's a great portrait of your son! The emotion comes through so strongly. A photo to treasure, and a wonderful photo-heart connection.

  14. I, too, remember the ghosts in the field. It is a perfect choice, as is the photo you chose of Henry. Having seen my last soccer game some years ago, I totally connect with your heart on this one. Every month I think about participating in this, and have yet to do it.

  15. Rinda, it is so wonderful to have you join us in the Photo-Heart Connection! The image you chose this month seems the stronger image to me. The emotional impact of his intensity in a frozen moment comes through even without reading your words. And your photograph of 2012 tells me so much more about you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing with us this month!

  16. It's a beautiful photo of him. He looks so intense.

  17. I am not a mom, but have many friends with children early in college careers or in those last couple years of high school. I see the struggle, the see-saw of holding close and letting go. I bet that was part of what spoke to you. I hope he will find a place to continue to play.
    I really love that shot of Aria-beautiful light and shadow and a great sense of loyalty comes thru. The name Aria-excellent. Wish I had thought of that. I really like it.
    I've been doing PHC for the past year. Look forward to having you along in 2013.

  18. Wonderful capture of your son's emotions and dedication to the game!

  19. Love your photo heart connection. The image really expresses the intensity and I loved reading your connection with it.

  20. What a great project Rinda & a nice photo of your son in his element. I did chose a photo every month in 2012 for my Photo I Love album & really enjoyed it. Not sure if I could pick just one for the year, but it might be the one I didn't take (& have no idea who did) that shows the tornado over the building where Robbie was working. It reminds me that God is watching over us & has plans for our future!

  21. An interesting post Maria and yes I agree, it is not always the technically correct photo that grabs us with the intensity is it? It is the one that sums up the emotion of the moment.

  22. I love the great photo of your son, I love that you chosen the one thats not perfect, why it must be perfect when it goes about emotion. You capture that so well.

  23. I too see the emotion in your picture and the direction in which you want to capture.. great job!
