Sunday, January 20, 2013

{Hello Monday}

Hello Monday. . . 
{oops. This published before I had a chance to finish it}
Hello holiday . . . we have today off for Martin Luther King's birthday. Looking forward to sleeping in and getting ready for the short week.
Hello/good-by visitors . . . we had a very nice visit this past weekend with Paul's parents, his sister and his brother-in-law.
Hello new-do for Gypsy . . . she's looking quite nice after having gotten groomed last week. Aria (above) took a while to figure out who she was, I think!
Hello lots of art journaling . . . I've been making good progress on my "dry" art journaling class. And I'm looking forward to getting my paints out soon. Plus, my stylus and brush should arrive for my ipad drawing and painting app.


  1. What a beautiful photo. I don't know how you get her to look at you so well. As soon as they see a camera my dogs look away ...excepted if I say biscuit , lol.

  2. Oh she's so endearing! What a lovely face!

  3. Your dog has such a lovely face and you capture her so well.

  4. Hello Rinda Hello Gypsy Good Monday to you

  5. She does look pretty and shiny! She is lovely xx

  6. She does have a lovely face!

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with that ipad

  7. Aria really seems to like the camera!

  8. What a sweet face! have fun with your dry painting this week :)

  9. What a great expression. How do you get her to actually look at the camera - our dog would practically run away from the camera. :)

  10. Isaw your pics on FB and it was lovely to see Paul's smiling face...great doggy pic too!
    Alison xx

  11. What a fabulous face that dog has! I love the way you manage to get a shot like that, I just get wet blurred noses when I am that close.

  12. It's nice to have guests...but it's also nice when they leave and you have your life back. Cute dog!

  13. Oh I like her colouring - especially against that wood floor. So pretty!
