Monday, January 14, 2013

Hello Monday (a little late)

Hello Monday  (a little late today!)
Hello New Hair . . . Over Christmas break, Clara and her friends colored their hair.  She thought it would wash out after a few days . . . uh, no. So, she asked if my hair stylists could "fix it." Over the weekend, she got it colored, cut and styled.  It's shorter than she would like, but it's healthier than it's been in a while. And she's loving the return of her natural curls.
Hello Feeling Better . . . I had a rotten cold for most of last week. It's nice to be feeling better. But it also means I've been sleeping a lot and haven't had a chance to get round to blog reading and commenting. Hope to catch up on that soon.
Hello American Football Craziness. . . the local team (the San Francisco 49'ers) are in the Conference Championship. Here's Henry wearing a 49'ers beanie.  Some people say he looks a bit like their quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
Hello art journaling . . . I'm really enjoying the class I'm taking. Pages to follow this week.  I'm also planning a "simple moment" post for later this week.
What are you saying hello to this week?


  1. Oooh, I kind of love Clara's pink! I was pink for a little while in high school fun!

    Glad you are feeling better!! And go 49ers!

  2. I have faintly pink hair in my University graduation photos, after colouring it in celebration of getting my degree-it was supposed to last just a few washes......!

  3. Experimenting with your hair is a vital part of growing up! I was purple for a while - but when I became a teacher I had to calm down a little bit...

    I'm hoping to say hello to the new Les Mis film this week! :)

  4. Yeah, Doug and I went camping one weekend and came home to Carrie with pink hair - just a little underneath, but still. At least Clara had her go with it, and hopefully that's out of her system.

    Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well! Get better soon! And my brothers are both SUPER excited that the 49ers are doing so well.

  5. Gosh, that pink was brave! Glad to hear you're feeling better :). This week? Looking after DH once he's had his eye operation...

  6. Glad you are feeling better. I have a very busy week at work, nothing more exciting I'm afraid.

  7. Can't wait to see what you're creating, glad you are feeling better. I never did the wild hair color thing but I think I was a bit older when that hit.

  8. Bet Clara was surprised when the pink didn't wash out! Glad you are feeling better. There is nothing worse than a cold to make you feel miserable.

  9. a bunch of the middle school girls at the school where i work came back after winter break with colored hair! yes, it is such a harmless way to be different. and at least she learned this lesson early: leave the coloring to professionals! :-) i'm glad you are feeling better.

  10. One of the Qs here has pink/purple hair all the time - she said as a teen she wanted it but that it wasn't possible so now her hair is white - she goes for pink/purple :)

    Glad you are feeling better too. Oh, I thought of you as a friend was talking football and mentioned the 49s, they're in San Diego ;)

  11. my husband and son are going to see the 49'ers when they are over here later on in the year :)

  12. I'm smiling with that hair! TSO still has the remnants of her kool Aid experiment going on - the hairdresser said she had actually Singed off a layer of hair and that was why it looked - burnt.

  13. I've said Hello to my new teaching job this week! My first day went great.

    We watched all the playoff games this weekend & thought Saturday's two games were some of the best football of the season (despite the fact that neither of our teams made it into the playoffs again!!).

  14. Glad you are feeling better! Mayhem was so bummed Green Bay lost Saturday

  15. Hello Rinda! I am saying hello to Durham again and catching up with friends! Love the pink hair experiment!

  16. Hello to pink hair....all those curls look lovely x

  17. My hair would never change colour no matter what colour I tried, it just stayed dark brown! Last year my sister dyed it red for me for my 30th birthday, which was the first time I ever had colour stick - and that was only because she had to bleach all my hair first! Now of course I'm dying for it to grow out back to my normal colour, but it was fun to do for my 30th! x
