Friday, January 4, 2013

Future Imperfect (FFF)

The Fall Fearless and Fly challenge blog, sponsored by Artists in Blogland, just posted their newest theme: future imperfect. The color prompt is yellow, and there's also a quote prompt from Friedrich Nietsche.  The prompt asks you to ponder your present/future and ask whether it can still be "perfect" even if it's different from what you imagined. The prompt really spoke to me because my present and future are definitely nothing I imagined. And they are definitely not perfect!
But, I plan to make the best of both my present and my future. One tool I will use to do so is my "one little word" (paramount), as well as my intention for the year (“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” )
As I was thinking about the prompt, the visual of a parachute came to me. I like the idea of knowledge and blessings floating into my life on parachutes. My journaling reads: "future imperfect . . . present in flux, but I am listening to my heart to learn what is paramount."
I am thinking about turning this page (or the one from yesterday) into a button for my sidebar, an idea I got from Patty of Magpie's Nest (here) . 
Come back tomorrow for Storytelling Sunday, and, in the meantime, let me know what blessings you would like to parachute into your life this year.


  1. love the parachute idea - has added import if you saw or read Hunger Games. And got to love a challenge that quotes Neitche - off to have a look

  2. Parachutes are so life-enhancing :), and a lovely idea to imagine things coming into one's life this way. Now a sidebar button? Seriously clever! I'd like some warm winds in my life this year :).

  3. Yes, definitely make a button for your sidebar. I think it will help others cope with life.

  4. I love the imagery of little blessings drifting down in parachutes. I know your present/future isn't all that you'd hoped it would be, but I'm so proud of the stance you are taking in facing it. I love you, Rinda. And I think of you and your family often. xo

  5. Your word is very powerful along with your positive intentions dear Rinda!

    Your imagery of the parachute makes me think of protection too...

    Thank you for the kind mention

  6. Inspired by the art and the parachute idea. I love the thought of blessings floating down on us. I agree the sidebar button will be nice to keep it present not only in your mind but to remind the rest of us about "perfect". I might have to figure out a button for my OLW as well :)

  7. this is so sweet!Wonderful word and intentions. Happy New year and happy FF & F!

  8. Wishing you lots of parachutes filled with blessings this year Rinda
    Alison xx

  9. Will fly my plane over your home dropping parachutes. Great idea for a sidebar.
