Monday, January 7, 2013

Blog Plans, 2013 (and a give-away)

ETA: The give-away is now closed. The winner will be announced on my blog soon.
The smart-beyond-her-years Abi recently posted this about what to expect from her blog in 2013. It really got me thinking about what I have been doing with my blog in the past and what I want to do with it in the future.  I'm interested in your feed back, so read to the end and comment for a chance to win a nice little give-away.
The big conclusions I came up with are that there are three things on which I really want to focus (these are the three things that bring me the most enjoyment and fulfillment):  art journaling (including collage, painting and sketching); photography; and writing.  The first two come as no surprise, but the third . . . hmmmm . . . it was a bit of a revelation how much I have been drawn recently to those memes which push me to write.  I'm also a little sad that scrapbooking and card making have run their course a bit for me right now. I expect to get back to them some day, but for now, they really aren't paramount.
I also realized that a lot of my blog is structured around certain recurring memes. I don't do all of these every single time, but I do them enough that they've become part of my blog plan.  Here's how they break down:
Weekly Memes
Hello Monday/Peek Inside My Life (usually accompanied by a photograph or art journal page). These may not interest everybody, but I have several lurkers who have told me they read these to keep up with what's going on in my life. So, they'll stay for now.
Wordless Wednesday. I'm pretty sporadic with this meme, and it always feels a little lazy. It also draws the fewest visitors and comments.  But it's easy and a nice way to feature some of my photography. 
Paint Party Friday I love this weekly reminder to take out my paints and paint brushes. Definitely a keeper.
Monthly Memes
Storytelling Sunday and A Simple Moment.  I love how both of these encourage me to dig deep and spend some time writing.
Photo Heart Connection. This also encourages me to write. Describing the connection is as important as the photo for this meme.
Sketchbook Challenge.  Like Paint Party Friday, this keeps me on track with my drawing. I enjoy the fact that there's a monthly prompt to give me ideas.
Monthly Make and Ten on the Tenth. I've enjoyed the first as it ensures that I do something outside my typical photography-art journal-sketchbook box, so I'll probably keep up with it. The second is kind of hit and miss, but I expect I'll participate occasionally.
Semi-regular Post Topics
Class Reviews.  I always get great feedback on these so will definitely continue with them.
Class Projects. A lot of my blog fodder comes from the classes in which I enroll. I made a list of my current/future classes, and I'll be posting that later this week.
Let's Talk. I love this feature where I ask people to comment in some detail about topics of interest to me. I don't do it very often, but always enjoy it when I do. I've got a Let's Talk post ready for tomorrow (geared a bit to camera geeks, I'm afraid).
Music and Book Reviews. I do these pretty sporadically. Not sure how often they'll show up in 2013.
Annual Challenge
I love hosting the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt and will definitely do it again in 2013.
So, now it's your turn . . . I'd love some feedback from you on what you like about my blog and whether there's anything that doesn't really appeal to you. To encourage you a bit, I'll put together a little prize package of assorted scrapbooking, photography and art journaling bits and bobs to go out to one commenter chosen at random.  I'll do the draw Sunday night.


  1. It's funny, in the interesting way, that you have posted this today. While on holidays I've been thinking of how 2013 is going to present blog wise and in many respects I like similar things and themes to you - but I also really enjoy the diversity of your blog Rinda.

    My scrapping is going to be really different - for me, this year and I'm wondering how that will tie in with blogging - I'll probably ask for some feedback too, once I'm home and in the swing of things.

    Even though I am not an art journaler and don't personally participate in many of your creative outlets I really enjoy seeing what you are doing. Frankly, I just plain out like your blog - keep up the entertaining, diversified and welcoming atmosphere, I love it!

    As an aside, you and, coincidentally, Abi, have inspired me to reconsider how I was going to blog this year and my approach to scrapping ..... see, you never know what comes from these great blogs we read!

  2. Like Amy I just like reading what you have to say. Your artwork always inspires me. I have a list going of what I want to happen with my blog this year, I am starting a new time in my life next month and have some ideas for what I want to do, I still struggle with many aspects of blogging, maybe that will change when I can give it more time.

  3. Like Amy I just like reading what you have to say. Your artwork always inspires me. I have a list going of what I want to happen with my blog this year, I am starting a new time in my life next month and have some ideas for what I want to do, I still struggle with many aspects of blogging, maybe that will change when I can give it more time.

  4. Already looking forward to the Summer scavenge Hunt. I like seeing your blog pop up on several of the monthly memes I take part in too

  5. I too enjoy all aspects of your blog and am delighted that you will be hosting the scavenger hunt again.

  6. I haven't read your blog for a while, so I'm loving rediscovering it! Looking forward to your 2013 journey!

  7. I'm all for more writing. However, I'd also like to see more of your art journaling. I admire those who achieve the ability to do art journaling. I've tried many times but it's just not me. When I look at yours I can see your message.

  8. I just like visitng with you. Some pieces interest me more than others but I wouldn't miss a word or a picture. This could be because I am just plain nosey...

  9. Hi Rinda,
    Love to see what you have been up to and your writing is something to be admired for sure! Some people have the gift of writing, others, like me, do not :)

  10. Rinda I read your blog every day with great interest. I love your Monday Meme
    Story telling Sunday is a must and I always try to comment on them all as well as taking part
    Your art journals fascinate me though I don't always understand them.
    10 on the 10th is a yes, it's fun seeing what everyone comes up with.
    and A big YES YES YES to the summer scavenger hunt I really do enjoy taking part in that one.
    So I want to say a big thank you for letting us into your world on a daily basis.
    May 2013 bring you lots of joy
    Love Mary

  11. I read everything, even when I don't always have a comment or something pithy to say in response. I enjoy it all - even the stuff that I could never hope to emulate. I especially like when news of your family gets added into the mix. So I guess like everyone else, it is the eclectic mix that draws me in.

  12. I'd tend to echo what most of the others have said as's the eclectic mix that makes your blog so inspiring and unmissable....yours is one of the very few blogs that I almost always comment on.
    I'm not an art journaler or a painter [and not much of a photographer either!!] but love seeing what you have done.
    Your class reviews are always excellent and worth reading.
    And the Scavenger Hunt is one of my favourite blog events.

  13. You amaze me with how organized you are in your thoughts and presentation Rinda and in how much you do so well!
    I enjoy visiting to catch up with you not looking for anything in particular.
    Early in my blogging days I joined in creative Challenges almost every one point that shifted (life events interrupted my flow I guess) ... I am less of a planner going more from week to week (or is it day to day!) ... thank you for making me think. btw I miss making cards and hope to get back to that too someday

  14. A great post and a great plan, Rinda. I always love seeing your art journals, your beautiful photography, and I do love hearing about your family and personal life happenings. I have noticed that you've been including more and more writing, and I really enjoy that here on your blog. I think your blogging plan for 2013 sounds like a perfect one!

  15. Well. I'm with everyone else in enjoying the variety you have for us! I'll never be an art journaler, but I do love to look at what you and the others can do (though I'll admit that sometimes my lack of ability and knowledge means that I'm searching for the right comment lol)

    and talking of comments - I'm going to suggest there is something psychological at play with the title of the "wordless Wednesday" meme. When I see those words -on any blog which takes part - something in my brain says - "oh okay, today I don't have to find any words, I'll just enjoy looking." I wonder does anyone else feel the same way?

    Looking forward to blogging along with you in 2013!

  16. Phew, so relieved to see that the scavenger hunt is in your plans! I enjoy the variety that your blog brings, and how you often come up with thought provoking questions.

  17. I'm primarily a scrapbooker, but I do appreciate seeing your other creations and peeking into your life; I came here originally because of the Photo Scavenger Hunt and I'm glad to see that it is part of your plans for 2013.

  18. Love the variety of things on your blog. Glad to hear the summertime scavenger hunt will be happening again.

  19. It is the variety that I love here as well, esp as it is the same variety of photography, craft and other bits and pieces as they happen that I like.

  20. It must be the start of the new year that has people re-evaluating their journey. You have so many recurring projects that some actually overlap. If you wanted you could streamline your blog, and still cover all your skills, plus keep friends informed on your day to day life. Perhaps you could list them in order of importance at, scrapbooking, writing etc, and then only post on these subjects every so many days. All these skills could be used to illustrate your life and keep us all informed.

  21. well.. you know that i read your blog and enjoy reading all the things mentioned.... esp like the monday meme cuz it keeps me up to date (ok that sounds stalker-ish) ... i mostly lurk, but comment sometimes ... some day i'm going to take one of the classes you talk about, so keep doing those! i love the scavenger hunt, but it always starts like 3 weeks into our summer and i've missed a bunch of photo ops by then...

    Mariana in CA

  22. I'm another who discovered you through the storytelling sunday and scavanger hunt - which I'm also relieved to see is on your plans. I like blogs with a bit of everything, which is how I plan mine ;)

    Oddly, one of the things on my to do list - and I've mentally decided it will probably be the Chinese New Year rather than Jan 1st is to consider my blog and patterns - I do it every year. I like patterns, and I like tweaking so...

  23. You could try to Wordy Wednesday which would let you show a photo and write a story about it.
    Looking forward to the summertime photo hunt this year!

  24. i love seeing what you make - you inspire me to push my own creativity further. the summer photography scavenger hunt is lots of fun. and i enjoy reading about your opinions, your day to day activities, and your observations about life.

  25. I really love seeing the art you create but especially when you share the process with us. Your photography posts always educate me and I look forward to SSH2013. I find myself wondering how Paul is feeling, what decisions Henry is making and how Clare is acclimating to the new school when it's been a while so please continue to share them with us (as much as they are comfortable with)

  26. I'm catching up on blog reading today. I really enjoy all your posts & keeping up with what's going on in your life & what you've been creating. I always enjoy everyone's Storytelling Sunday and (of course) the Scavenger Hunt is a huge favorite.

  27. Hi Rinda, just catching up with blog reading as one of my aims for 2013 is not to spend as much time on the Internet and more time on my photography and scrapbooking. However there are some blogs I will always spend the time to read and yours is one. I love your Storytelling Sunday stories and I have read all about the Scavenger Hunt every year and I tend to join in this year! Personally I am not into art journalling, however I really like looking at what you do - find it fascinating!

  28. I like coming here because you have such a variety of topics that you post on ... I'm not into art journalling/sketching so don't always comment on those posts, but I love your *honest* reviews, the photography and the snippets of American life from your family's point of view. The Scavenger Hunt is a highlight for me.

    I'm wondering where to take my blog myself - I'm still doing the CKCB but I'm a bit bored by 10 on the 10th and feel that my Sunday Stories have also run their course. I shall bide my time and see what jumps out at me.

  29. I love reading your blog too Rinda! I like the diversity, I love to read about your life as well as your art. You are a real inspiration to me with your photography and I know we've 'met' on several classes! Thanks for this thought provoking post, I have been a bit lacking in my blog posting lately and am wondering which direction I should take too.

  30. I think the diversity on your blog is fabulous. Yours is the only blog I read regularly that showcases art journaling and I love reading about it as well as your fabulous art. The scavenger hunt is one of my favorites, I love keeping up with your family (over the years I feel like I've been watching your kids grow & mature), and you know I'm always interested in photography. I've never been as regular or organized with my blog as you are, but this post makes me feel like I ought to do something about it.

  31. Oh, and I LOVE that photograph of you!

  32. I love the diversity of your blog Rinda, there is always something interesting in every one. I'm definitely not an art journaler but I love looking at what you've done. I'm definitely happy to see the scavenger hunt will be back again this year.

  33. I think the best thing about memes is that you should never feel tied into doing them. Just because one is weekly, doesn't mean you need to do it every week - unless, of course, you want to. I have been drawn to those that make me write also, especially the two you mention. And personally, I enjoy hearing about the books, movies, and music that others are enjoying - even if the post is only quick blurbs and not full-blown reviews. It is always good to come and see what you are up to, Rinda.
