Monday, September 24, 2012

September Moment

Thursday, September 20, 2012, 8:35 a.m.
The house is quiet. Or what passes for quiet around here.  The Fox Soccer broadcast of some Champions League group stage game is on in the background, and the formerly "whisper silent" dishwasher emits sounds similar to whale song.  The house is quiet in the sense that everyone else has gone. Paul is off to get his millionth blood test; the kids are at school. I'm reading blogs, eating leftover lentil spaghetti for breakfast and thinking about what I need to do this morning. No time for the gym (good thing I went yesterday). I need to finish picking up the floors, as Tony the carpet cleaner is coming soon. Definitely need a shower. Then we're off to run errands and have lunch while Tony does his thing.  Still have to grab a photograph of myself with something "American" - a flag, a baseball, something - and then get the Scavenger Hunt Roundup on the blog for tomorrow.
Outside, the sky is hazy blue. We really get the best weather in September. 
Now I hear the pounding of hammers and occasional buzzing of saws. The neighbors, Eric and Babz, are doing something to their decks. The work is invisible - hidden behind the tall hedge. But the sound of the staple gun tells me they're still at work over there.
Still in my jammies - well, an old HMB Pirates t-shirt, my soft terry cloth polka dot robe and my Uggs. Not proper pajamas, as I haven't managed to fold laundry yet.  All the clothes are finally clean, just not folded. It's so hard to keep up to date on all the household chores these days. Sigh. 
I have too much on my mind - worry mostly. About Paul's health, Clara's development and Henry's college. My work has definitely taken a back seat, as has my community service/volunteer work.
The animals are lounging about. Gypsy sleeping under a chair by my feet. The cat is curled in the middle of the empty floor. One seeks the shelter of a den. The other the freedom of the open space. Both are content - they have so few cares in their lives. Maybe I should try to learn something from them. 
The recording of this "moment" is inspired by Alexa's new meme, "Simply a Moment." To find out more about it and to read September moments from other bloggers, check out this post.


  1. I have really enjoyed reading your September moment, Rinda: gently humourous (such a descriptive comment on the dishwasher!), poignant and so rich in layers of experience ... Wonderful.

  2. Lovely - the details and wry comments 'millionth blood test' made me smile and empathize with you. I agree September does have the most lovely weather.

  3. Love this post, I feel I am there with you except for the lentil spaghetti, don't think I could face that for breakfast lol

  4. A lovely post, Alexa I enjoyed your wry humour...I love your little details....and can certainly feel like I'm there in your moment.

  5. A very touching moment Rinda. On the face of it, the day appears as a usual household one, until the layers are peeled back and we are right there in your moment with all its aching concerns.
    I think of you often and do hope Paul is improving.

  6. I was right there with you too- the dog at your feet,and the mix of humour and concerns.Lovely.

  7. I loved reading your moment - thanks for sharing it :)

  8. Oh! this is good! I have been to Alexa's blog and downloaded the thingy. I will most certainly have a go at this. Writing I can do LOl

  9. This is beautiful. praying and hoping that those worries will ease themselves in the next days and weeks Rinda. xxx

  10. I'm hoping too for you and yours that a moment sometime in the reasonably near future those worries will have eased. That'll be a post we'll all be celebrating!

  11. You made me feel like I was there with you feeling your moment. Sending you my blessings.

  12. Beautifully written & a moment I can identify with on many levels! I love that you can count your blessings & pray that your cause for worry will soon evaporate. {{hugs}} x

  13. I enjoy reading blogs that give a slice of ones life. Yours is excellent! By the way, what is lentil spaghetti?

  14. Oh excellent Rinda. I will be doing a moment in September too. Thanks for sharing. Love your post and what went on today. Thanks again.

  15. You are still all in my thoughts and prayers Rinda..things here are improving slightly!
    Alison xx

  16. Oh if we only had the lives of our pets! My life would be a piece of cake if I had been born Fancy Jane or Whiskers Jay!

    I know you have a lot on your plate these days, Rinda. I think of you often and send a little virtual hug your way. That soft little breeze you felt yesterday? That was me! ;o) xo

  17. reading this post, i feel like i am in your shoes for a moment, rinda. so descriptive and full of detail. so much of our life is spent like this, multi-dimensional and fleeting. but oh so precious.

  18. So beautifully written Rinda. "millionth blood test' a few words that speak volumes. Sending prayers for you & your family that you will have some peace soon.

  19. Oooh, I love the detailed journaling that brings vivid pictures in my mind! I really need to play along this theme also... but man, do I feel overcommited lately or what!!?

  20. I love your captured moment. It speaks volumes, and offers an interesting glimpse into your life right now. x

  21. Beautifully and evocatively captured Rinda - I felt like I was there!
