Thursday, September 13, 2012

Paint Party Friday: Finger Painting Nature

I'm still working through the last few prompts from the Ode to Nature class.  One of these was to finger paint an abstract.  I created today's art journal page to capture a field of wildflowers near the Harbor. I made all the flowers with my fingers, but I filled in and added layers with a brush.  It felt unfinished before I added the text (which is about the difficulty I have creating abstracts.  Here's the page in a smaller format, alongside the photograph on which I based it.  
Finger painting with acrylics was fun, but I'm not sure if I'll do it again.  How about you?  When was the last time you fingerpainted?
I'm linking up with Paint Party Friday.  For more painterly goodness, check out this link.


  1. I did a bit of finger painting about a month ago... fun but messy... I did like the slippery feel of the paint and had fun but cursed the cleaning up and getting it out from under my nails... love the work this week...xx

  2. These are wonderful, lovely loose drawing and colors!
    Hmmm fingerpainting - I just do not like to get my hands dirty... but now I am kind of inspired! HPPF!

  3. finger painted not long ago - with chalks on the patio during a hot day with a toddler - great fun. But with paint? Hmm, I get paint on my fingers and smooch it around on the edges of things does that count?

  4. I love your field of finger painted wild flowers, and how they relate to the photos.
    My last time was with my grandson a few months back not just finger hands as well we did have fun but as usual he mixed all the colours together so we had a muddy mauve grey colour

  5. i worked in a nursery school so i was always finger painting with the children!

  6. my finger painting wouldn't turn out lovely like yours!! the last time was probably when the boys were small x

  7. I always loved the finger painting sessions when I taught small children.....and I often finger paint on my 'She Art' canvases.
    Love how your flowers turned out.

  8. Don't give up Rinda. Your finger painted abstract is gorgeous. The colours are wonderful and gives the page the feel of floating in a field.
    I do quite a lot of finger painting with my grandchildren. They love being messy!

  9. Finger painting is such fun and often use this way of painting. Happy PPF, Annette x

  10. I think this is gorgeous Rinda! Don't stop! The last time I went into a project deciding to finger paint was about three years ago. The last time I accidentally got covered in paint and therefore finger painted without intention was...yesterday! he he!

  11. I don't think I've ever done any finger painting..

    The journaling really adds some punch to your lovely images here I think

  12. Gosh what delicate artwork. I admire you and like it so much, but could never do it myself. Happy PPF to you.

  13. I can remember an ugly lantern I made back in kindergarten, but then nothing else. Maybe bcause I hate having paint n my fingers. ;) Happy PPF!

  14. Sorry, I don't think finger paints had been invented when I was young. Looks like it could be a lot of fun though.

  15. Work with your fingers is fun and rewarding, your get a fine result. Saludos

  16. I can't remember the last time I fingerpainted, but I have painted my fingers a few times lately . . . with inks or paint that I was applying to a scrapbook page or mini-album or altered clipboard - does that count? :>)

  17. Such a gorgeous shade - and the writing really finishes it off. I've not tried this yet - but I did do finger paintings for Flora's Bloom True class. :)

  18. This abstract has a painterly feel and has great sense of colour and rhythm. Great painting, I love fingerpainting! Andy

  19. Gee, the last time I fingered painted was as a kid. Remember that powdered paint they would mix with the blue stuff - it was like laundry starch or something. wow, memories :) Seems like I need to find a bottle of that stuff and get working!! Happy PPF

  20. lovely piece, I like how it evolved!

  21. Very pretty! The boys and I finger painted with chalk paint on the patio this summer

  22. what a bright, flowery, yellowy JOY of a painting!

  23. Fingerpainted?! Oh geez, it's been forever! I love your painting and I'm so impressed you did it with your fingers. So very cool! Happy PPF!

  24. Gorgeous flower finger painting!
    I really love your interpretation!!
    Beautiful texture and marks!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  25. I love this. I can't remember last time I used finger paints, but am sure there is times I have dipped my fingers into paint...Oh I remember when I made an art quilt using gelitin and acrylic paint. I was up to my elbows in paint. And I loved it. Was rubbing small circles of cloth over a gelitin mold and covering them in acrylic colors. that was fun.

    I love your hand writing on this, the little flowers. the words. the colors all of it.

    Happy PPF!

  26. I really love this painting. I don't think you should give up on fingerpainting at all. I've been doing some in my collages lately and am usually really happy with how it looks. So much faster than dealing with a brush and water, and the marks are always interesting.

  27. Nursery I suspect. I love what you have done here, I will take inspiration from you to have a go.

  28. all that yellow is certainly happy and fresh. no matter how i paint, i always end up with messy hands. :-)

  29. I use what ever method handy I need at the moment and sometimes fingers work great. :) HPPF

  30. I love this page, it's just seems gloriously happy to me.

  31. Ahhhh. It's been way tooooo long since I did. maybe it's time to play and give it a try?
    Love your art and spirit!
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook
    Happy Horse Studio

  32. Wow. I really love this piece. Such a vibrant joyful energy. I like finger painting with acrylics, a useful tool. I generally use my fingers most times, at least once. It depends of course on what I am doing. :)
