Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Monday Musings

For the last few weeks, I've been following along with the "Hello Monday . . . " meme. I like it for the opportunity to share a little personal information with those of my followers who want to know what's going on in my life, while giving my followers who just want to focus on my art an easy opportunity to skip a post. But lately, I've been wanting to mix it up a bit. So, today, I'm following a different format, which I have seen most recently at Miss Wookie's Wanderings:
Outside My Window... the sunshine and the fog battle each other to determine the color of the sky.
I am thinking... about all the responsibilities I am trying to balance and the need to take care of myself, as well.
I am thankful for... an excellent first week of school for Clara! 
From the kitchen... roasted brussel sprouts and melon wrapped in prosciutto, courtesy of  the local farmer's market. 
I am wearing ... shorts, a t-shirt and my uggs, as I enjoy our Indian summer.
I am hoping ... for a quiet, uneventful week of healing for Paul.
I am reading...  "Art Saves" and "Trading Card Treasures" (both from Pass the Book).
I am busy creating... itty bitty collages for my Learn Something New Everyday album, more nature art (like the simple line drawing above) for the Ode to Nature class, and silly tape animals (look for those tomorrow).
I am hearing... (and watching) a couple of reasonably good movies ("Think Like A Man"  and "Bernie") on DVD. I've been using Redbox,and I find it really convenient.
Around the house and garden... I have returned to decluttering the house (working hard on the garage this weekend). I found a great website challenge called "20 Days to Organize and Clean Your Home" by The Organised Housewife. 

I have also found a weekly meme called "Friend Making Mondays," sponsored by the All the Weigh blog, which always has an interesting list of questions. I spied it at Flora's blog, A Work in Progress. I think I'll occasionally feature those questions, too, as well as "Hello Monday. . . "  I hope you enjoy the variety.


  1. I have noticed several people linking up to The Organised Housewife - I might have to investigate.

  2. I like this meme - thanks for the reminder. You sure are keeping busy - sharing your hopes.

  3. Sharing your hopes here too.

    The sprouts and melon sounds delicious.

  4. That's quite a list you have! Your Chives drawing is beautiful. Did you do it recently?

  5. This is a great post, Rinda. I love the mix of your art (cool sketch of the chives!), and your personal life, and all the links you've added. Here's wishing you a week full of blessings! xo

  6. Love the artwork!
    I've got a sun & fog battle going on here too the last few days

  7. I'm probably going to have a go with the '20 days' though I'll be a bit late starting it.
    Hope your week goes well.
    Love your chives...we have some garlic chives....identical flowers...but they are white.

  8. Lovely idea and such a nice insight into your world at the moment!

  9. Held your Paul in the light on Sunday - someone ministered on cancer and asked us to hold all cancer patients in the light along with the disease itself.

    Hoping your hopes come true this week.

    Nice to see what you're wearing - so enjoying the late summer here too.

  10. This is a lovely new format and reminds me of a meme I did last year called 'Currents' I think I would like to join you on this one, maybe with a few tweaks of my own?
    Your drawing is fabulous, chive flowers are so lovely.

  11. Rinda, I love your format and the chives drawing is simply beautiful. Thanks for the links, both sound like ones I need to check out ;)

  12. I love Indian Summers but our weather has become significantly cooler. Hoping for a good week for your family :)

  13. I like the new format I have seen it a few times before, looks interesting.

  14. Great to catch up on life in your world today. I've been reading the 20 Days challenges & spent a little time cleaning my kitchen the other day (after I decided the "benches" were the "countertops"! LOL)
