Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hello Monday

The 2012 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt is almost over!  On Friday, September 21, I will publish a post asking all participants to comment and let me know how many of the items you found during the summer.  Participants will have until Sunday night, September 23 to check-in. I will be giving out two prizes: one chosen from among those who found all 21 of the items and one chosen from among all participants. The prizes will be photography-related and randomly chosen. See you on Friday!
Hello Leg!  Clara got her cast off last Thursday.  She's on crutches for another week, though.
Hello Physical Therapy twice a week for three weeks (for Clara).  She's also saying hello to "Study Hall" and good-bye to P.E., as it will be too difficult to make up all her absences this semester. She'll be back in P.E. next semester and taking on-line P.E. this summer (insert appropriate joke about on-line P.E.).
Hello Husband . . . Paul is back from the hospital after round 3 of chemotherapy and feeling stronger than ever.  He's also saying hello to new doctors this week with more experience treating his particular form of cancer.
Hello Last Week of Summer and last week of the 2012 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt.  If you participated, be sure to check in on Friday.
Hello Sketching . . . I signed up for Alisa Burke's Sketchbook Delight, Part 2 class. I'm looking forward to finding time to getting started with it.
Hello In-Laws . . . Paul's parents and sister are coming to visit.  They want to see him and make sure he's doing okay.  While I understand their desire to do so, I'm not looking forward to the need to cleanup and entertain. I hope that doesn't make be a bad person . . . 
Hello Gym . . . I'm finally getting back into the habit of going two to three times a week. I need it in so many ways!
What are you saying hello to this week?


  1. Hello Miss Rinda! We are saying hello to the last week of term three, TE being away for work, tired bodies after children had their first ski lessons and lots of rain - apparently.

    You are not a bad person at all, I have yet to meet a person who doesn't get a little stressy when the inlaws come to stay - completely natural. Good news for Clara and Paul!

  2. Hello Rinda

    Me, I'm saying hello to fridge/freezer clear our and defrosting this morning.

  3. I agree with laws visiting can be stressful at any time...glad to hear the news of Paul and Clara though.
    I'm saying hello to organising all my courses for this term....the summer break is drawing to a close.

  4. Good news about Clara and especially about Paul. Good luck with the rest of your Hello's. You are not a bad person, just honest.
    Will definitely pop back on Friday, the Scavenger Hunt was one of the fun things I did this summer.

  5. I am just going to say hello to you and your amazing family. It sounds like this summer has been hard work for you all, but you are all still here and smiling. You are all awesome and deserve so much more than you ahve received this year. May Christmas be wonderful to you all when it gets here soon x x

  6. saying 'hello' to you all..glad there seems to be positive news all round...and believe me I know where you're coming from about the houseguests!
    Alison xx

  7. lol- no it doesn't make you a bad person - you are the one who needs a bit of looking after now I think.

    Online PE? We'd definitely be up for that round here. A very intriguing idea..

  8. I am also saying hello to back to the gym. I've had a glorious summer off and need the discipline of regular exercise again instead of just daily walks. Doesn't make you a bad person not looking forward to cleaning for your in-laws visit. If that were so I would be a bad person just because I hate cleaning at any time! I do it with resentment.

  9. Hello to your happy news about Clara and Paul. The dreaded cleaning and entertaining doesn't make you a bad person at all. We actually try to entertain at least once a month because it forces me to really clean lol I'm saying hello to ...3 days of forecasted rain, finishing the scavenger hunt (possibly in the rain), the Beast's appt with his surgeon (and hopefully news of when that external fixator will come off his arm) and at least 4 trips to the gym.

  10. I say Hello to Paul and Clara's good news. On-line PE? Really! This is the first time I have heard of this. LOL

  11. Hello, and welcome home, Paul! I'm saying hello to lots of volunteer commitments this week and next, a report to write today, and getting back into the swing of things after a weekend in the Adirondacks.

  12. i'm sayinh hello to a WRAP plan where i have to document my wellness recovery actions for my biploar,
    jo xxxx

  13. yipee for the cast being off... they wanted me to keep mine one another month and when I complained they said, okay we'll take it off if you use crutches at school. I think that lasted several days only!

    I'm saying hello relaxation. Headed up to Tahoe at the end of the week for 3 days of relaxing - had to promise DH I would not plan any of my infamous "big hikes" this trip!

  14. hooray for Clara and Paul. Much cause for celebrating in your house this week! I'm saying hello to catching up - again.

  15. Hello to you Rinda. Looks like a week of positive stuff. Happy to hear of hubby's homecoming and that his treatment is going so well.

  16. LOL - I don't have in-laws to say "hello" to but I do sympathise with the expectations of visitors for a presentable house ... though I'm sure that they'll be forgiving at the moment! I'll be "bad" with you :o)

    I love the idea of on-line P.E. - I'm already a past-master of virtual exercise!

  17. Princess might be willing to do on-line PE...

    So glad that you are getting some good news and hope that the inlaw visit is not stressful. Thinking of Paul and the new medical team.

  18. i'm glad to hear your family is "on the mend" and can't wait to check in on friday for the scavenger hunt finale. it seems like the only time i clean is if we are having company over, otherwise housework just gets pushed to the wayside!

  19. On-line gym- my daughter did 2 semesters of it- and loved it! She did bowling (which was the toughest) and jogging- ran over 140 miles for that class! Thanks for the scavenger hunt- it was loads of fun!

  20. I'm finally saying 'hello' to all my blog friends who I have been neglecting badly this month so far! Also saying 'hello' to Penny moving down to Folkestone to start uni - huge step for her (and for us!). And I totally understand about the in-laws and the cleaning - it does NOT make you a bad person!
