Thursday, August 16, 2012

PPF: Beach Combing Sketches

Time for another Paint Party Friday! Go to this link for a whole variety of painterly goodness.  I really appreciate how this meme keeps me on track for  playing with paint at least once a week.  Even if it's just a few simple watercolor sketches, it's still better than nothing!  This week, the Ode to Nature online class that I'm taking is all about collecting treasures from nature.  I went on a beach walk and collected lots of great stuff.  Most of the prompts were about photography, and I'll be posting my photo projects over the next couple of days.  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the sketches of seashells, a crab shell, and my new favorite thing to sketch:
feathers!  I think I could spend a lot of time sketching feathers.  They're really fun.
Have you found anything new that you like to sketch? Or paint?


  1. Oooh, those feathers are great, well done!

  2. Your feathers are beautiful.

  3. Always so much inspiration at the beach. Love your feather sketches, they are on my neverending list of things I want to do!! :)

  4. So enjoying seeing all your sketches from the Ode to Nature course. I particularly like the feathers and the simplicity of them.
    Loved your labyrinth by the way. What a find.

  5. I love the simplity of these great ocean objects!

  6. Love how you've done the feathers.
    I so enjoy walking on the many treasures to find.

  7. Fabulous sketches! i wish I was at the beach gathering such objects. :)

  8. Totally gorgeous..your feathers are magical and inspiring..beautiful shading and sense of lightness and poetry! I love finding feathers,they are always special messages!
    Beautiful post!
    visiting from PPF

  9. Love your sketches. There is nothing better than beachcombing for things to sketch.

  10. I don't sketch or paint, but I'm definitely feeling feathers at the minute too. I've been cutting them from paper with my Slice

  11. You can never go wrong with beach elements as far as I am concerned. Awesome sketching of the feathers! I am on a concerted scavenger hunt effort today :)

  12. Your delicate art work is divine ~ do think this might be your style you are coming into ~ Lovely work ~ ( A Creative Harbor)

  13. I, too, love the simplicity... such beauty!

  14. Great sketches Rinda. Nicely done.

  15. I like the feathers and the crab shell. Nice drawings.

  16. Your feathers are my favorite today! Love how each one is different!

  17. Rinda, your sketches are wonderful. For a long time I have wanted to do that, go to the beach and sketch some of the shells etc. So far I've never done it. Yours is a gentle reminder to finally get my butt over to the ocean - or just sketch a few of all the items I collected there.

  18. Wish I were taking that class, too!
    I love your seashells, Rinda!
    So beautiful!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  19. I love your feather sketches! The top one is really lovely. All are beautiful. Happy PPF

  20. You've taken me to the ocean side with these...and birds are there too. All so nicely done. HPPF!

  21. i really want to take that class but don't have the time right now so it is fun to see your "homework". i love the organic shapes, soft colors. i sketched and painted a crab shell in june but you have captured the texture and varied color better than i did - well done. :-)

  22. oh these reminded me - I spent hours as a teenager at school sketching feathers. Before I stopped art for 'serious' studies... don't have those any more but can admire yours

  23. Lovely drawings, pretty colors! Happy PPF!

  24. Great sketches! Feathers are some of the most fun things to sketch and paint.

  25. Awesome sketches! You've made me want to do some beach combing.

  26. Love your sketches Rinda!
    Alison xx

  27. Just tried to leave a message but blogger wouldn't let me! Hope it works this time.

    Every time I see your sketches Rinda, It makes me think I should pick up my pencils and get back into drawing. I'm sure one day I just might! Thanks for the inspiration.

  28. You did a super job on the feathers.
