Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hello Monday {4}

Hello Monday . . . a meme sponsored by Lisa Leonard.
Hello Cross Country Crutches.  Friday night, Clara took a tumble and broke her leg. And now, instead of starting cross country practice, she'll be exchanging this splint for a cast.  No running for 4-6 weeks. Let that be a lesson to everyone - don't text while walking down stairs!
Hello Husband. Home from his hospital stay.  Paul sailed through his second round of chemotherapy and is sooo happy to be home. He's completed two of eight rounds of chemotherapy.  The next one is scheduled to begin in a few weeks. I'll keep you all appraised of his progress. And please know how much I truly appreciate your prayers and good thoughts.
Hello Back to School Preparations. Clara has freshman orientation on Thursday, and Henry has to buckle down and finish his summer homework.
Hello Work. Time for me to start going into the office again.
Hello Regular TV. Now that the Olympics is over, it's back to watching baseball and regular TV. 
Hello Art. Looking forward to a good week of sketching, art journaling and photography.


  1. Oh good grief, the medical fairies are in your house at the moment!
    Clara will cope with the crutches once she gets used to them and it is fantastic news that Paul is responding so well to treatment!

    Have you had a breather yet?

  2. I think Amy is right about the medical fairies!!!
    But so glad to hear Paul is doing well.
    Do hope you find time for some art this week.

  3. I so hope you find time for your art this week, it sounds like you could use the creative break!
    Poor Clara, I'm so sorry she broke her leg and YEAH! to Paul.
    Chins up!

  4. That's great news you have Paul home and he is doing well. But, poor Clara and poor you. What a thing to happen and just as the new term is beginning.
    Can't believe the Olympics are over; they have been joyous.
    Loving your Ode to Nature sketching.

  5. Rinda, I can't believe you have two patients in your household, what rotten timing. Poor Clara, not the best start to a new school year, but good news that Paul is dealing with his chemo well.
    Although I've really enjoyed the Olympics, I am a little fed up with it being on tv all evening, every evening, looking forward to our normal programmes again!

  6. Glad to hear Paul is doing well. Poor Clara! I hope she mends quickly. Getting around school on crutches is NOT fun.

  7. Oh, what?! Poor Clara and poor everyone else. Tell her Get Well Soon from us x

  8. Good news that Paul is doing well, but rotten for Clara,not the best way to start the new term.I hope she is not in too much pain - the time will soon go- hope she is up and about very soon x

  9. Paul is on the mend and Clara broke her leg. Will your soap opera end soon? Prayers for a quick recovery for Clara and for Paul's successful chemo treatment.

  10. Lots happening to you this week. I am pleased to hear Paul is doing well, poor Clara, not a good start to the new term. I have been enjoying the Olympics, for once the time zone was the right one.

  11. So glad to hear Paul is doing well. Continued prayers. Oh dear Clara - I've learned not to do anything while going downstairs after too many little episodes.

  12. oh dear!! Clara is going to be miserable the first few days of school!! hope she finds a cute boy to carry her books!! Angelina starts high school on Wed and is excited about high school but dreading homework!!!


  13. Poor Clara, what a way to start freshman year :( I'm sure she'll miss cross country this season. Thrilled to hear that round 2 went well for Paul and that he is home. Prayers continue for all of you.

  14. poor Clara, glad that things are going well for Paul

  15. Poor Clara !
    All the best to your husband ! xx

  16. Oh my goodness! So sorry about Clara but glad to hear Paul is responding well to the chemo.

  17. Your place sounds like a convalescent home.... you must be run off your feet. Pleased to hear of Paul's progress... a relief to see him responding well I'm sure. Thinking of you.

  18. Wow- crutches for the start of school. My kids started school last week so I just went through the freshman orientation and the gentle reminders (okay, nagging) to get that summer homework finished. She got it done after midnight the night before school started. Hope she learned her lesson...I had the best start to my day today thanks to you! I found a tree swing on my drive to work. One more down on my list. I haven't posted it yet- I want to get a few more first.

  19. My goodness! We should probably be calling you Nurse Rinda. I guess I missed a post or two telling about your sweetheart having to do chemo. My heart goes out to you. It was over a year ago my sister and I were going through rounds of chemo and radiation with my mom who had pancreatic cancer. (I just took her to her radiation doctor and he has pronounced her cancer free for one year as of that appointment. A Miracle!! The doctor is still amazed.) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  20. Oh no - poor Clara and just at the start of the new school year. Glad Paul is coping ... just keep yourself and Henry carefully wrapped in cotton wool please ... we don't want anything else just now!

  21. hoping Clara gets along well with the crutches, and back to CC soon! Yipee that Paul is home and handled the chemo so well. Henry, get busy ;-) Wishing you all a fantastic week!

  22. Oh wow, Rinda. So sorry about Clara. Ouch!Glad to hear that your Paul is home and handling what has to be done. Aye Rinda, what heartaches we sometimes have to go through. Sending you good thoughts. Take care.

  23. much love to you as you help to heal your family members. take very good care of yourself (rest, lots of fluids, some quiet time to breathe, and a bit of creating) so you can do all that needs to be done in your busy household right now.

  24. I'm so glad that your husband is home with you. I truly hope that his recovery will remain on the good path, and that he will sail through his next rounds of chemo as well. I'm sorry for Clara... my daughter has freshman orientation tomorrow and she still hasn't quite decided whether she wants to do cross country or not. She did it for the last two years. We'll see.
    Sending healing thoughts your way.

  25. Oh Gosh. Poor girl. Praying for your Husband too. Glad the first rounds of chemo went ok though. xxx

  26. So glad to hear that Paul is making his way through his treatments. You guys are never far from thought, Rinda!

    I can only imagine the ribbing Clara is going to have to take over her texting blunder. Carrie's uncles would be merciless! lol

  27. wishing Clara a speedy recovery and good to hear Paul is doing well x

  28. You don't have to reply to my email Rinda..I should have read this earlier..great news about Paul, but poor and Henry try to keep well!
    Alison xx

  29. Poor Clara! How disappointing to miss out on her running this autumn. So glad to hear that Paulnis doing well x

  30. Oh gosh, Rinda! I'm ashamed that I've been so out of touch with my lovely blog friends! I didn't even know that Paul has cancer...
    I am sorry to hear he is ill and I wish him a full and speedy recovery.
    I will think of you all often and include you in my prayers - most especially Paul.
    I will also think specially of Clara - sorry she fell and was hurt; I hope she is soon back to normal and fighting fit, able to get back into her favourite sports and enjoy life to the full.

    Blessings to you all. Good luck to Henry and Clara, back in school for their new year. Glad Paul is doing well so far, with his chemo - I hope he continues to do well. And I will think of you, as I know only too well, how very stressful it is when a family member is ill.

  31. Hurrah for Paul sailing through chemo. I do hold you all and the medical teams in the light - cancer is horrible. So thankful for the advances that mean we can do more than just watch.

    Poor Clara - hope it isn't too painful and that she can come up with a much better explanation for how it happened than 'I was texting and fell down the stairs!'.
