Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Few Tall Tales

*Yes, my husband is a little more than 14" taller than I am.  He stands 6'7" (two meters even).  I occasionally stand on a coffee table to see what the world looks like from his vantage point.  Strangers have come up to him and asked "Do you use your height for good or for evil?" Seriously - this has occurred on more than one occasion. The first time I saw Paul, in my final year of college, I knew I wanted to get to know him better, so I asked him to help me hang a really large map in my room. The rest, as they say, is history.
*My son, Henry, is an inch or two taller than me, but my daughter Clara is starting to realize that she will never pass me up. 
*I was only five feet tall when I graduated from High School (having just turned 17), but I grew almost five inches during college. I was determined not to be short.
*Although I am taller than my mom was, all three of my brothers and both of my sisters are taller than me. We get our height from our paternal side - my dad and his brothers were all over six feet tall. And my Tia Lupe was not too far behind them.  The Lunas were small - but fierce.
*There are six kids in my family, and I was born third. My older brother Petey and I are the short ones in our family.  He claims it's because my parents spoiled our older sister, to our detriment nutritionally, and that our three younger siblings benefited from my parents' increased economic status over time. I think we need to just embrace our fierceness.
*I claim to be 5'5", but my true height may be just a shade below that.
These tales are offered in conjunction with Julie Kirk's really fun August meme:


  1. Oh poor Petey!
    Love it Rinda, you have a little of everything in your family :-)

  2. Wow..I am 5'6" and was always one of the tallest girls but girls here now just seem to be getting 12 year old daughter and 13 year old son are just about my height now..x

  3. Gracia overtook me quite a while ago and I have now overtaken my mum who used to be 5' 2 but now seems to me smaller :0(

  4. Rinda I love it what a tall tale that is indeed. It looks like you son will soon be as tall as your husband too

  5. Should have said I come from a family of shorties much to my Son's disappointment he was the shortest of all his friends when at school and still is but he makes up for it in determination

  6. You certainly do have a little of everything in your family.

  7. Great photo, it's nice to see you all lined up, what a beautiful family! I like that you need to stand on a coffee table to see things from Paul's point of view. x

  8. Fab photo of your family and I too would want to stand on a coffee table to experience that height!

  9. yeah for embracing the fierceness

  10. Can you imagine what I would look like standing next to him?! What a great photo.

  11. What a great photo...Clara might surprise you yet! Hope her surgery was successful?
    Alison xx

  12. What a lovely picture! Funny, it took me years to realise that taller people actually do experience life in a different way. I'm happy being simply "tall inside" and it had never occured to me that some things in life might be easier if I had a bit more height! This week, for example, TSO wants her dad to take her to buy sports kit because there is a massive scrum round the shop counter and she can keep track of him in the crowd whereas she loses me..

  13. This is great Rinda! It has been such fun to see different heights of bloggers. In my head you were really tall! It turns out so far that most of us are on the smaller side! he he! xxx

  14. LOL! That's funny Rinda! One time when I first went to the Ontiveros house I was looking at the family picture over the fireplace and your dad (pointing to Cordie, you and Petey)"these were the lean years" and then he pointed to the younger three and said "and here I had more money." I always remember that and that it was funny, but I've seen it to be true in lots of family. I think Squiggler will be the tallest!

  15. It's funny how the male (tall) gene seems to pass on to the boys and the female (short) gene gets given to the girls. My DD is taking after DH's sisters and remaining shorter, but the boys are both taller than me!

    Fab family portrait :o)

  16. What a great family photo - just perfect to illustrate your tall tales! Judging from the posts I've read so far, it seems tall husbands are useful for supermarket shelves and now for map hanging!

    Thanks for joining in with this Rinda - you're on the board now

    ... and you'll be on the height chart at the end of the month too!

    Julie :-)

  17. I'm with Clara, I am the shortest in my family, even my Mom is taller!
    Thanks to Petey maybe I have an excuse, as the oldest child my parents weren't as well off as they were when my sisters came along. Perhaps I didn't get the proper nutrients? LOL

  18. Wow! He is tall! A friend of mine's 10 year daughter is already taller than her. My friend is 5'5". Her DH is 6'3"

  19. Lovely family shot :o) I've seen photos of you all before, but had never realised quite how tall your husband is!

  20. I keep reading these height posts about shorter people. I'm 5'5", too, and I've never considered myself short, just average I guess. I'm actually the tallest one in my family, or it may be that I just have better posture! LOL

  21. Gosh, your husband is tall.
    My son is just over 6 ft and I'm not sure where he gets his height from but he is proud of it and I like it too.

  22. Great post. I can't imagine what it would be like to stand next to someone as tall as your husband. I'm 5'5" too, but I don't know
    anyone too much taller than 6'1" or 2". 6'7" that just boggles my mind.

  23. Great family shot and quite amusing people would ask him these questions!

  24. What a gorgeous family photo. I never knew people had 'height issues' until this meme. Your brothers observation of the lack of nutrients has given me an idea for Story telling Sunday! Thanks Rinda. x

  25. My sister has always been under 5 feet, but gorgeous. We always told her 'good things come in small parcels' ..and they do. She married a footballer at least 14" taller than she. It works well. You have a lovely family Rinda.

  26. what a great family photo! i am tall, very tall, and have been my current height since seventh grade. i used to pick on my little brother until he became taller than me - he is 6'4" now. :-)

  27. Great family picture Rinda. Isn't it amazing what total strangers will say to you? Got a chuckle out of picturing you standing on the coffee table.

  28. Ha! I love the image of you standing on the coffee table to get a different view of the world! :)
