Monday, July 9, 2012

Scavenger Hunting Around the World!

It's been so much fun to see the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt Posts popping up all over blog-land! And they are coming in from all over the globe, too! Here are a few favorites:
Allison found brides on a tour bus in Barcelona, Spain! She has this and others in this post.
Ginger from Canada checks in with this trail and skyline. You can see more of her Canadian finds in this post.
From New Zealand,  mum2boys shows us that libraries can be fun and colorful. She has a few more finds in this post.
Deb in England found this hilarious movie poster. She's not sure she should scrap it. If you think she should, go to this post and tell her. 
And from the good old USA, my favorite type of roadside stand ever - fireworks!!! Allison posted a nice assortment of these stands here. 
Did I miss any other countries that have posted? If so, let me know. It makes me very happy to see people all over the world looking for the list of 21 things.  It's not too late to join, the hunt is open until the official end of summer (in Septemeber 21).  That gives you plenty of time to find the items.  You can read all about the hunt in this post. At last count, there's about 65 people playing along! If you want to join, simply comment on the post above and start taking photographs. Blog them if you have a blog (I will add everyone to my reader, so I can see them). If you don't have a blog, put them into a flickr or photo sharing album. Send me a link if you want me to share it with others.  On September 22, I will ask for people to let me know who played and how many you found. I'll use that list to draw random winners. Questions? Feel free to ask them below.


  1. So excited to see one of my photos appear in your post Rinda! I'm enjoying seeing everyone's finds from around the world & I'm learning things about other countries along the way, which is an added bonus.

  2. Thanks Rinda for showing my Trail photo! I am having lots of fun finding photos for the hunt and it so wonderful seeing the volume of participants from various locations. It is very interesting!

  3. Thanks for including my 'Tinkling Ted' post! I love the fact that so many people are joining in, it's such a fun project to take part in. I love that roadside firework photo, will definitely be popping over to that blog to have a proper look.

  4. It is so great seeing everyone's photos

  5. It's so much fun to see the photos coming in. I have a bunch; just need to find time to edit them! I love this project.

  6. Some great shots there. I love Alison's bus of brides. Now I need to start visiting peoples blogs to catch up on other pictures. thanks for organising

  7. Such a great variety of shots. I just love the brides on the bus! I got my bride, although I haven't posted to my blog yet. I'm saving the rest of the scavenger hunt for the school holidays :o)

  8. Loving seeing everyone's glad you organised this again Rinda!
    Alison xx

  9. So much fun seeing everyone's finds. I'm getting a late start on mine this year. Only have a couple so far. Love the tour bus of brides. We'd never know these things were out there if we weren't looking for them. :)

  10. Thanks for the highlights, Rinda! I was so disappointed when there were NO horses in our Croaker Festival parade on Saturday, there have always been horses! :/
