Monday, July 2, 2012

Quick Scavenger Hunt Round-Up and Stamp Winners

Today's scavenger hunt submission is #18 A Movie Poster.  "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter." Advertised in Dublin.  Could there be an odder movie or a bigger cultural disconnect? Not sure. . . 
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a terrific weekend. Thanks to everyone who stopped by for the Organisation Blog Hop and Christmas in July Stamp Give Away.  The winners of the stamps are:
CTMH Polar Bears - Elizabeth (of Journaling by Lizzie)
Snowy - Irene (of When the Sun Comes Out)
Reindeer Moon -Jo (of Jo Murray - Art)
Ornament and Tags - Abi (of Creating Paper Dreams)
I'm still traveling, so it will be a week or so before I can get them in the post.  Everyone, please email me your regular mail address as soon as you can (Irene, I already have your address)r . 
In other news,  I'm over the moon excited about how many people are participating the the 2012 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt - close to 50 so far! It makes me smile sooo big when I see a post with new finds.  Check out some of these fantastic posts: Jacky's pier; Irene's shadow; Alison's someone playing a musical instrument; Lizzie's clothesline; Jane's someone playing with a ball; Debs' shadow; Melissa's horse; and Helena's labyrinth. Such a wonderful assortment.  Makes me wonder if the list is too easy - maybe I should have included "someone dressed like a viking" . . . 
(photo taken in Dublin, Ireland). 
If I left your post out, please add a link in the comments, so blog readers can stop by and see it.


  1. Oh it's hard enough - just getting teh easy ones done first. i may have to stake out a church to find a bride and no ideas on the swing from a tree

  2. YAY... and YAY again. Thanks so much Rinda for the giveaway.... I so look forward to receiving my prize. Have ALL the scavenger photos already, except the movie poster. Still waiting to find that, tho' I know where to go to see one. Will post when done.

  3. Hope you are having a wonderful time and stopped by to wish you a Happy 4th of July!

  4. Oh I think it's plenty hard enough, no extra viking entries on the list please!

  5. I agree with Helena. It's hard enough getting the easy things. I'm still trying to figure out where to find a clothesline. :)

  6. I'm having a blast Rinda . . . it really is making me look at things differently. Thanks for setting this up.

  7. Oh goodness no, I still have lots of photos to find (have my camera all ready to take on our outing tomorrow), so I'm glad I don't have to look for a viking too!

  8. Am going to get a post done later of my Barcelona 'finds' the Vikings!!
    Alison xx

  9. the vikings on the bus made me laugh! i finally took my first scavenger hunt photo today so will have to blog about it soon!

  10. I'll get to the MD Ren Faire before he end of summer so I might be able to get a photo of someone dressed like a Viking!
