Sunday, July 15, 2012

Photo Scavenger Hunt Link-Up: August 4 - Save the Date

Hey Scavenger Hunt Friends - the beginning of August marks the half way point in the summer. So, during the first weekend in August, I will be hosting a link-up party where you can check in and share some of your finds.  More details to follow!
In the meantime, I thought I would share something about how this Hunt got started. I started the Scavenger Hunt last summer because my friend Young Nancy of Squirrely Art had posted the previous summer  with finds from her family's summertime photo scavenger hunt. One of my favorites is this one, of her with a sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny:

(It's partly funny because one of her team members is named "Chris." And I mean no disrespect with this photo - I am definitely a faith filled person, believe me).
Anyway, Nancy said that her family had gotten the idea from a newspaper (the San Jose Mercury News) which runs a "road trip scavenger hunt" (which focuses on taking pictures outside of the immediate area). Here's the list for their 2012 hunt:

o Tree with a trunk at least twice as wide as you (or a member of your traveling party)
o Fully loaded roof rack
o Church steeple
o Town motto printed on a sign or archway
o Clown
o Funny or elaborate mailbox
o Election sign
o Abandoned building
o Someone (not in your travel group) consulting a paper map
o Train or cable car not on tracks
o Statue made of wood
o Hat or headgear worn in the region you’re visiting
o A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny
o Lion, real or not
o Member(s) of traveling party in the water
o Musical instrument
o Restaurant sign advertising the “best” whatever
o Motel/hotel ice machine
o Roadside stand
o Something unusual that is not on the list
I think our list is better! LOL! Although I do like the idea of the sign and the last item on the list.  Do you have any ideas for what should be on the list next summer? Oh yeah, I'm definitely doing it again in 2013.


  1. Rinda, I cannot begin to tell you what a hit the hunt has been with my family over the past two weeks - so much so that we are considering starting up a specific blog for our entire family with items to be found over the course of a year!
    I'll have my items up later this week.

  2. Rinda you have a good list and I like how your bloggers are so creative. Since you are asking, I would be thrilled to see a stained glass window on your list next year.

  3. Your list is better in part because the newspaper list has 5 items that I would struggle to find in Scotland

    some suggestions for 2013 - the weather; someone taking a photo; a boat; a balloon

  4. I definately prefer your list....but do think the last one could be a fun addition.

  5. That newspaper list looks really tricky, although I agree the last 'unusual' item could be good fun!

  6. I love your list Rinda! I am hoping that my trip to America next week will bring a lot of finds! Certainly better pictures than any rainy ones I would get here! ha ha! I am intending on getting the whole family involved on this as well!

  7. I've loved both lists you have done and I can see a couple on the other list that people here in the UK would struggle with! The thing that I like about yours (OK, that should read ONE of the things ...!) is that you have chosen things that can be found in different countries and it's fun to see how different nationalities interpret different things. So pleased to hear that you are already thinking about this being an annual event!

  8. i like the idea of one "open" item, something fun to share that is not on the list. my travel friend and i thought up our own funny list of items, none which i am suggesting, however. :-)

  9. I did wonder where you got the idea for a photographic scavenger hunt, and now I know!

  10. Both lists are fun, but yours is more accessible for those of us not in the States. Maybe though, that is part of the charm of the lists, making us more observant!
    I am happy you are going to continue next year. One thing I always take photographs of are streets/roads with unusual names, for instance, Tomcat Lane. That could be fun!

  11. Sounds like fun Rinda. It's a great idea. Have a wonderful week.

  12. How fun to see myself on your blog!
    The newspaper's list this year is pretty tough... our SSSSH list this year is the hardest yet! I've only only found 3 and struck out for a couple at a place I thought for sure I would find them! I like your list and hope to get them photographed!

  13. This week the Hunt is on my "focus list" so I hope to get quite a few, i only have 3 so far :/ We did a blog hop a few years ago (I think you did it) titled "Out My Kitchen Window" and we just shared a photo of that view. I love seeing what people's every day views are. Loved seeing everyone at their doors welcoming readers on Deb's blog hop. Couldn't everyone manage a sunrise/sunset over the summer?

  14. Glad to hear you're already thinking ahead to next year Rinda..and the Link up party sounds like fun! I keep meaning to ask if you are home yet?
    Alison xx

  15. I like the idea of a link up party, Rinda. I've made a start on my list now with one or two unexpected successes. I like the idea of unusual road names. I love clouds so perhaps that could be another idea. I'm away next week with my grandchildren. I bought them a camera each for Christmas, so guess what I'll be planning while we are away?!

  16. I'm just about to post what i've found - now I'm wondering if maybe I should have waited.

    I agree with Irene - the charm of the list is in looking out for unusual things

  17. ooh, I like this idea. I'm not going away this year so I will have to look more locally. I have an idea for the unusual item not on the list...we have a ice cream selling boat on a canal not far from us:)

  18. I agree, the link up party is a great idea Rinda and I love the story of how this all started :)

  19. That was interesting to find out how the scavenger hunt got started. A link party will be fun.

  20. I am working hard to get a Scavenger Hunt post ready for my next 10 on the 10th...

  21. I'm enjoying this year's list - posting my movie poster in the next day or so and hoping to find lots of items on our upcoming trip.

  22. I've been taking photos but not having time to do much else - I like your list as yep there are several on there I'd struggle with.
