Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Belfast Castle: The Scavenger Hunt Begins!

On Saturday, I visited the Belfast Castle with Sian of From High in the Sky. The Castle held some great finds for the 2012 Summertime Scavenger Hunt.  In the garden, there was a wonderful fountain:
And around back, an outdoor stairway:
But the best find of all was one which I thought would stump me:
A bride! Apparently, people hold weddings at the castle, and we were lucky enough to stumble across one. Sian and I felt a bit like paparazzi taking here picture, but it was all good fun.
So, have you started on the scavenger hunt yet? The official list is in this post, as well as on my sidebar.  Feel free to grab a scavenger hunt blog button, too (sorry this text is a bit small but I'm still learning how to do these things). Also, please let me know if you have any questions. Someone wondered what "a border" is, and I answered that it was open to many interpretations: a border between countries, states or cities; a flower border; a scrapbook border; etc. Really any kind of divider intended to mark a distinction between two areas would count, I think. Remember, the scavenger hunt is all about having fun, keeping your eyes open, and perhaps visiting a few new places over the summer. I'm thrilled by the number of people who replied to say they are participating this year. Over 40!!! I'm trying to add everyone's blogs to my reader, so I can come by and visit. So, if you plan to participate and did not leave a comment in the earlier post, let me know so I can be sure and visit you.
Happy hunting!


  1. Great start Rinda. That outside staircase is simply awesome!

  2. Ib love your fountain photo. How did you 'freeze' the water droplets like that?

  3. great finds. The bride is the one I think will be my hardest - totally down to chance and keeping my eyes open

  4. I haven't made a start yet but plan to over the next two weeks when we are on a term break. I am currently thinking up poses/ideas for the last prompt ....

  5. I'm in awe of that outside staircase ... soooo beautiful. Love the cat sleeping by the fountain too.
    My list is printed and I'm hoping to make a start today while I wait for DD & friends to do a girly shop in a nearby town.

    One question ... #20 the hammock alternative ... is that also to be in a tree?

  6. How fortunate for you to find three items in one day! That outside staircase is gorgeous. I'm still on the look out for one.

  7. That is one gorgeous outdoor staircase! And I know the bride one is going to be difficult for me. But I'll try to keep my eyes open and my camera with me!

  8. A great start for you,Rinda....I love the staircase.
    Took my first photo this morning.

  9. Off to a good start, then :)

  10. The bride looks like the hardest part of the hunt to me and you rocked it!!! I am getting ready to head out and take photos right now!!!!

  11. Wow! where to start?!!! I loved reading about your visit to Belfast over on Sians blog & these photo's are just amazing! That outside staircase is breathtaking!! Thanks so much for dropping by with some guidance to Scavenger Hunt & I just hope I can get a few stunning shots like these myself!! :D

  12. A great start, I LOVE that staircase and am jealous of your bride sighting! I started Saturday with a photo of a pier :)

  13. Super start and great pictures. I'm heading right on over to the list - I want to do it this year.

  14. What a great start! I found my first one the first day, and know just where to find a couple others. I love this project!

  15. I think the pier and the bride will catch me out...great start Rinda!
    Alison xx

  16. such a beautiful place to visit and to get married!

  17. You did well Rinda... am working through the list.

  18. Lovely setting and well done on the bride photo! I think that one may stump me! I have written the list down in my journal! I took my first picture last week. I was walking through the town in the rain when I stopped dead to take a picture of the outside metal staircase. My friend thought I had gone mad!

  19. Looks like you are off and running. Great finds!

  20. What a great start to the scavenger hunt. I'm having fun looking for the items on the list. Keep safe.

  21. I really like that outdoor stariway! I think the bride is going to be difficult, too - so awesome that you've captured that already! I snapped two items last weekend & am hoping to work on some blog posts today so they'll be posted soon.

  22. I love that outdoor staircase!!!

  23. Great finds, Rinda! I was thinking that the bride one might be tricky too - cool for you and Sian to see one together. :o)

  24. I almost took a photo of a bride in a photo in a store window then decided to hang on and see if I can find one. I'm going to a wedding but not until the end of November!

  25. Wow! I love that outdoor staircase. It's amazing :o)
