Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Classes in Progress (A Confession)

I received an email from Strathmore today that the "Force Drawing" class in which I am enrolled is set to begin.  It's a free class, and you can learn more about it at this link.  I'm not quite ready to start it though. Why? Because I haven't finished the earlier free Strathmore class  ("Watercolor Sketching") in which I am enrolled!  I've finished the first two lessons in the watercolor class, but there's still two lessons to go.  I looked at the lessons and decided that I really do want to complete that class. There's a third free Strathmore class - Doodling Unleashed with Traci Bautista.  I haven't even looked at that one, and I'm not sure I will before the classes expire in August.
Anyway, this got me thinking about the other classes I have "in progress," and I was chagrined by the length of my list.
In the mixed media realm, I am almost done with "The Art of Wild Abandonment," for which I did the art journal page up top.  There are about three projects I want to finish before I declare that class "done."  I want to do that fairly soon, so I can post a class review before I forget what I learned in it.
At the end of last year, I signed up for a Katrina Kennedy photography class called "Exposure." I never managed to start that class! I did, however, just locate the class materials online, and I will print it out soon.  Also in the photography field, I need to do some refreshing on photo shop. I bought permanent video access to Kim Klassen's Skinny Mini class, and I want to go back and work my way through the videos again. I also bought a Jessica Sprague photo editing class called Good-to-Great. I started the class and then my hard drive died. Sadly, I never got back to it. I'm going to figure out whether I still have access to those class materials.
Finally, on the scrapbooking side, I recently won the class "Collect and Create with Amy Tan" from the Ali Edwards blog.  I need to sign up at Two Peas and figure out how to collect that class.
That seems like plenty to keep me busy through the summer!!! It is very unlike me to sign up for or start a class and then not finish it. Please someone poke me if I even hint at signing up for something else until I work my way through these!
So, there you have it - my  "classes in progress" confession. I'm willing to bet that I'm not alone in having a list of classes "in progress." I'm curious. What's on your list?


  1. Only 31 Things by Ali Edwards - it's the first class I will take this year, not much has appealed to me and I have been trying to be realistic in what I sign up for and what I actually complete!

  2. I've glanced at the materials, but still not really started, the 'Stamping for scrapbookers' class at 2 Peas....and as Shimelle's new class starts tomorrow....and I really do like doing hers'live'....I think the stamping one will just have to wait!

  3. My "started but not quite finished" list is far too long to include in a blog comment! But I'm nearly through Wild Abandonment. I've seen all but one video and finished most of the projects that appeal to me. There were several (including the entire last week) that just didn't interest me.

  4. My head is reeling just looking at your list. I have no classes at all on the go at the moment and I'm going to keep it like that for a while. I'm reading books instead. Please keep writing those class reviews though - I do enjoy reading them

  5. I have no classes at the moment, probably because I am a bit too busy. But you know what..if you finish them or not if they keep you creative, it's all good.

  6. You're definitely not the only one having a (too long) classes in progress list :). I planned not to take any classes this year, but somehow keep signing up for them - and being behind in each one. I always tell myself that I'll learn some useful new techniques (which no doubt I do), but sometimes I think that it's just an excuse for not getting to do "my own thing", finding my own style. I like your jack-in-the-box spring sketch!

  7. I have the Watercolour sketch one at Strathmore which I haven't even looked at yet and the Letter Love one still to finish, so I was very restrained and did not sign up for the new Shimelle one.

  8. Oh I so need to take more classes and follow through! I am so bad with that. What a fun art journal page! Really, I need to start an art journal! So many things on my list! Have a great weekend!

  9. "so much to do, and so little time"... whoever said that got it right!

  10. Oh my goodness girl! That's a lot of classes. Funny thing, I was enrolled in the Watercolor Sketching class too....haven't finished it yet. Someday. :)

  11. I can relate to this, although recently I've done pretty well keeping up. This week, however, I got behind on A Cut Above class. I'll watch the videos while I'm away, but there'll be no creating until after we return. I printed out the entire "Exposure" class to take with me. It's the only photography class I've ever taken on line that I didn't keep up with. In fact, I barely started it. It's my one agenda item while we're gone, but baby holding will come first. I'm with you, no more new classes until I finish the ones I have already paid for.

  12. Yes too much too do and so little time, I do agree. I have no classes but want to take classes, start my exercises again, keep track of what I eat, count calories, paint at least one painting a week, journal every day, call my mom once a day, my son who lives in San Jose once a day too, cook, wash, plan meals.....that's why I'm not taking classes. You are super woman, I tip my hat to you. Oh I'm tired now, tee hee. ::waving slowly::walking out of room looking haggard:: :DDD

  13. Am starting Shimelle's class on Monday, and that's it for me!
    Alison xx

  14. I still have Journal Your Christmas in process. It's starting to annoy me that I have 12 prompts still to go but I can't seem to make myself sit down & do them.

    The doodling class sounds fun

  15. I have a list too :) I'm registered for a couple classes right now but have not really done much with them - I also want to sign up for Ali's new class. There are so many I want to take but there is just not enough time!
