Friday, April 27, 2012

WITL Weds/Thurs: Hit Rewind and Run Like Mad

I'm participating in a photography/scrapbooking project called "A Week in the Life," which you can read more about here.  In my penultimate post, I'm chronicling a Wednesday which replays many of the events from the rest of the week and a Thursday which was busy, busy, busy.
A quiet Wednesday morning around the house:
I went to work for a meeting and then came back to watch Henry play baseball (I posted a video yesterday). Here's a few photographs from our home field (yes, those are cows on the hill, in the pasture behind our baseball diamond).
Afterwards, I went to a silent auction to raise money for the high schools' Grad Night. This week Henry is doing "star testing," (to assess whether the students are learning what the state wants them to), so he doesn't have much homework. 
On Thursday, I got up early to get some computer time in before heading to the gym (where I received a certificate for completing a full year at the gym - it noted that during that time I have lost 14 inches and improved my mile time by two minutes!). I was surprised to find that the weather had turned, and it was wet and damp:
Then off to work for a student consultation and faculty meeting:
Ran back home (it's about a 45 minute trip) to go take pictures of the middle school soccer team (I do this as a fundraiser for the athletic program).  Clara came along with me, and she finally let me take a picture of her (she's the one on the right)!
We came home, and I helped her with her homework. Then it was off to my book group meeting, where we ate and drank and discussed the book and our lives. We all hated "The Whipping Club," so it was a short discussion. Our next book is Stephen King's 11-23-63. I didn't take any pictures. I was too tired from my busy, busy day!


  1. great collection of photos for week in life

  2. YAY! that you managed to get Clara to pose for such a great pic!
    Alison xx

  3. No wonder you were tired, that's a really full day. The ball field is in a gorgeous setting and Clara is really growing up.

  4. You certainly are cramming a lot into each day! Clara has a wonderful smile; I'm glad she let you capture it!

  5. Sounds and looks like a full day - Clara's pic is lovely!

    We are just about to start building our raised garden beds, yours are looking great!

  6. what a fabulous day! i really love your garden, too! so awesome!!!

  7. What a fantastic project and it's so fun to see a little glimpse of your life :)

  8. Really love the photos, the one of the dog made me smile
