Thursday, April 26, 2012

PPF: "Sing Your Song to the World"

I haven't participated in Paint Party Friday the last few weeks, and I've really missed it! I have felt really scattered artistically  lately, unable to focus and create anything. So, I decided to return to one of my small scale projects - my sampler of Prayer Flags. Once the weather turns warm, I'm going to have a nice selection of designs to choose from.  Here's my latest creation.  If you want to see some of my other prayer flag samples, click on the prayer flag label below. If you want to see other painterly goodness, check out this link for a list of other Paint Party Participants.
I found that starting with a simple project has helped get me back to my art desk. What do you do when you feel stuck?


  1. The main thing I do is change focus - move away from whatever medium .. scrapping/photography and have a break. I usually read more, as in fiction, and I might do a bit of web surfing - ie cooking blogs etc.

  2. Love the sweet simplicity of this piece Rinda. Your prayer flags are going to be amazing.

  3. That is a sweet little prayer flag makes me want to do something similar

  4. This is one of my favourites in your collection. I love its simplicity. I think it will inspire a few of us to have a go ourselves. Maybe you should organise a prayer flag blog hop.

  5. This is simple but really beautifully effective... looks great and welcome back... you were missed...xx

  6. A lovely simple piece,Rinda...just right to get you back into creative mode.
    Like Amy, I tend to change focus when I'm in a rut....move to a different medium...or do something entirely different, like gardening or reading....and a spot of blog hopping or magazine reading always helps.

  7. great sentiment and the classic trio works so well

    I find that going for a long walk usually gets me unstuck - ideas always seem to pop into my head for a creaive project when I'm walking and letting my mind drift

  8. Simple with powerful words. That's exactly how a prayer flag should be. :)

  9. Loving your prayer flag. Happy PPF, Annette x

  10. Adorable and great message ~ Wonderful! ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  11. I DO love your prayer flags Rinda
    Alison xx

  12. Starting small and simple is a great way to get back into the swing. Your prayer flags and super. Happy PPF

  13. They are lovely.

    When I get stuck I walk away completely for as long as it takes

  14. Hi Rinda. Hope all is well. You've been busy on your prayer flags. This one looks great. I can hardly wait to see all of them hanging outside your home. Nice job.

  15. Hi, Rinda! I've missed your prayer flags. So glad you've returned to them and are back at Paint Party Friday! I love this prayer positive!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  16. it looks like you found a great way to get back in the groove. great message and it works perfectly with the illustration.

  17. Great post! Your work is so sweet! Happy PPF!

  18. Your prayer flags seem to me like the perfect "unsticking" project. All you have to do is think about a desire, or a dream, and off you go. It sure worked for you this time.

  19. What a great way to handle it- to work on the prayer flags! I am finding going small gets me unstuck enough to start moving on a painting.

  20. Hi Rinda! So awesome! I love the houses with hearts and the saying! That's exactly what artists do when they create! Welcome back to PPF... you were missed!

  21. First, let me say how much I love your prayer flag. It has such an important message.
    I did not realize how stuck I was. I had been using watercolors and watercolor pencils for awhile and did not seem to be making any progress. I finally changed mediums and I really feel more creative now. So I guess I have learned to mix it up whenever I get stuck.

  22. Your prayer flag is so lovely.
    Somethimes we need time for ourselves and for charging us of new ideas. Then the creativity starts again. :=
