Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Stamp Give-Away Winner

And the winner of the April stamp give-away is Yvonne of ARTic Blonde Creations. Congratulations Yvonne! I have always been amazed by the wide variety of artwork which Yvonne creates. I think these stamps will be perfect for her ATC's (Artist Trading Cards). If you've never checked out Yvonne's blog, I encourage you to click on the link above.
If you like stamps, be sure to check back on May 1 when I'll offer up some more new or gently used stamps (hint: think flowers).  Yvonne, I have an address for you on Atkins. Let me know if that is correct, and I'll drop the stamps in the mail right away.


  1. OMG, I can't believe it! Thanks so much, Rinda!

    Yes, I'm still on Atkins, Victoria, BC.

  2. Yay for Yvonne! Hope you have a fabulous time playing with your new stamps..
    Yay for Rinda, the generous and kind giveaway lady (hee hee..) X

  3. Congrats, Yvonne!! You lucky girl. :)

  4. Such a great message- you do have to go get inspiration!
