Friday, March 9, 2012

Ten (12 actually) on the Tenth: Inspirational Starting Points

As I mentioned yesterday, I recently worked my way through the wonderful free class "Finding Your Muse" by Alisa Burke.  I shared a painting I made based on one of my photographs.  Today, I wanted to share ten more photographs that I find inspiring. The problem was that I couldn't stop at ten, so with apology to the others who are playing along with Shimelle's Ten on the Tenth, here are Twelve on the Tenth! 
Photograph 1: I love the sunflare and the perspective of taking a picture of the back of someone. I like the sense of movement which is implied.
Photograph #2 Love the street photography feel of this. Plus, Mexican wrestler parody - what's not to love?
Photograph #3 Love the sky, love the strength, love the anonymity of another shot taken from behind.
Photograph #4 I love the difference in scale between the boy and the firetruck. I love that I know he is thrilled to see this truck. Another photograph taken from behind and another street photograph.
Photograph #5 Love the solitary feel of the tree and the movement suggested by the path. Love the subtle color palette, too.
Photograph #6 There's something about the way this tree hugs the wall that suggests family to me.  Nature composed such a beautiful pattern with those branches, too.
Photograph #7 More street photograph, catching a slice of life from behind, with lots of movement and interesting scale. I'm certainly seeing some common threads running through here.
Photograph #8 I love the magic of the forest suggested here through its texture, as well as the color palette.
Photograph #9 I love the colors and the rustic nature of these animals, and I love the packed composition of the photograph.
Photograph #10 - I love the composed nature of this photograph, the depth of field and the texture.
Photograph #11 I love the intensity of the color (juxtaposed with the pop of white) and the sharpness of focus.
Photograph #12 I love the subtle colors and the way the ribbons flutter in the wind. I'm sure this is what first got me thinking about prayer flags.
The next step is the process suggested by Alisa is to actually do something with your inspirational starting point.  Up top is an art journal page based on one of the photographs. Can you guess which one? 


  1. I think your art journal page is inspired by the twelfth photo, the flags blowing in the wind.

    You photos show a lot of contrast, they are very interesting - particularly that some of them are shot from behind the subject - that is also a favourite way of mine to shoot.

  2. Wow! Love your photos! Especially the hugging tree! :)

  3. Great choices of inspiration I love them all, the first one is the one I thought at first was the inspiration, I love the way the yellow splashes mimic the bunch of daffs in her hand. But also the sails on the boat could be inspired by the kite in the last one.
    You have made me go and look at my paintings and drawings that I did years ago and maybe just maybe I'll have another go.

  4. beautiful set of photos and interesting themes you identified

    I think your page was inspired by either photo 1 or 10 - texture, colour and strong diagonal line

  5. Lovely shots Rinda - I'd say number 1 myself - yellow, green, seasons! You'll probably get 12 different answers :oD

  6. I'm thinking you were inspired by #10...the colours and the positioning of the 'Time Flies...'
    Alison xx

  7. I don't know which one inspired you,Rinda....but I really love the 'taken from behind' photos....and must do more of this myself.

  8. Rinda you really are a wonderful photographer you have captured so many different things in those photos . I am guessing you were inspired by photo 9 with the big orange globe from the animal forming your smiling face (but then again I have a slightly vivid imagination different to most people so prob should change my mind lol!)

  9. What a fabulous collection of photos Rinda.

  10. all your photographs are so interesting and contain a whole world of wonder within each one. what a collection which i am sure will continue to grow.

  11. Every time I think I've discovered the one that inspired you, I look at another and change my mind. To be honest, I can see a bit of inspiration in most of them. They are all beautiful pictures in many different ways.
    Number 7 looks an awful lot like Cambridge I think! I love the way you use the back of a subject - I need to try and copy this idea, it's so effective.

  12. Wonderfully inspirational photographs and my favourite is the path leading to the tree! That is just a beautiful shot.

  13. Great inspirational photos Rinda. I really like the path to the tree the best. One of my photos today showed some metal yard art, too, but I really like the close composition of yours. I think the inspiraton for your art came from teh last photo with the flags flying?

  14. I love these photos, numbers 5 and 7 in particular.

  15. I think all photos inspired your lovely artwork. I can't tell which one really is but I do love your photos. I like anthing rustic like the hugging tree and the one with the heart. I also love all about the first one. Thanks for sharing with us.

  16. A wonderful group of photos. I can see why you find them inspirational.

  17. A really interesting collection. I like how you managed to find a quiet street in Cambridge - that doesn't seem to happen very often
