Sunday, March 11, 2012

Modigliani Monday

This month Ayala is hosting this challenge to paint pictures based upon the work of the artist Modigliani.  I started this week and have made pretty good progress.  The first one I completed was this watercolor:
based upon this painting:
It's a reasonably accurate representation, and I got some good experience working with my watercolors.  But. . .
it many ways, it didn't really feel like me.  So, I stared at this painting for a while:
And looked at an article called "Narrative Collage" by Anne E. Quinlan in the Jan./Feb. 2009 edition of Cloth Paper Scissors, and I came up with this:
Now that's much better!  Much more me! And very much where I want all this painting practice to be able to take me in my art journaling.  I've got a representational acrylic painting in the works and another narrative collage. Thanks Ayala for encouraging me to practice and for giving me the opportunity to find my muse.


  1. I agree,Rinda....while you've done a great job on the first one I would never recognise it as something you'd made....the second one is fantastic....and totally you....I love it.

  2. I like the collaged piece very much; it does look more "Rinda" and also more as if you really enjoyed the creation of it - the lady in your first painting does look rather anxious...
    I prefer to see a happy collage, than a worried painting!
    Love the viridian green you chose for the lady's blouse - it's so vibrant and really fizzes off the page - especially with the red chair-back behind it.

  3. Oh this is cool, Rinda! I love what you've done with combining the vintage photo and paint. Can't wait to see more of this!

  4. Yes! Much more you! Though I do like the first one too. It shows how you have been looking at the original

  5. I say always stretch and try new things, don't get struck into a little box where everyone thinks they have you figured out. Blossom! Your newest fan, Connie

  6. I was glad to see that someone else is actually doing this challenge, lol! It seemed very quiet at Ayala Art!

    I like both of your interpretations. It's fun to have room to experiment and since I don't even own any oil paints, my paintings will look quite different than Modigliani's. I'm not crazy about the fact that all of his paintings look depressed. Maybe I should give them all smiles? :D

    Look forward to seeing more!

  7. Definitely more you in the second! I love what you are doing here Rinda, very inspiring :)

  8. I really like the first one--you did a great job on it! I'm also taking part in the Modigliani challenge and have done 2 so far. The first one was a bust both literally and in actuality. I like my second one better. Onward and upward--it's a lot of fun!

  9. I agree, the second one is definitely you--and I love it. But I also like the first one very much, the bright colors give it a whole new look. (And as I said earlier, it's a favorite of mine.)

  10. The second one is definately more 'you'!
    Alison xx

  11. I love your paintings Rinda, you did a wonderful job with the Modigliani inspired one. I love painting over photos with acrylic paint and your Narrative Collage looks beautiful.
