Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Modigliani Challenge

Ayala, who hosted the 29 Faces Challenge in February is hosting a Modigliani Challenge in March.  The idea is to choose four Modigliani paintings and reproduce them.  I think it's an intriguing idea, and I selected these four paintings:
I'm looking forward to giving this a try, but I have to admit that I'm not sure what the results will be like.  One of the best classes I ever took was a class taught by Dina Wakley where we drew inspiration from various artists.  I'm not sure if I'll go for true reproductions r work on drawing inspiration.  We'll see what happens.  Either way, it's truly a challenge and a stretch for me, which I think is a good thing.  When was the last time you really stretched your artistic muscles?


  1. A long time ago I had a calendar filled with Modigliani works .... I love that name, it rolls off the tongue and is probably one of my favourite words.

    I have been making digital templates recently, that's been my creative challenge.

  2. I think starting to make the She Art collages was a real creative stretch for I love making them.

  3. this will be quite the workout but very rewarding, i'm sure. i need to "exercise" my creative muscles a bit more (as well as the rest of my muscles!)

  4. I always feel that Modigliani's women look rather sulky...
    But I do love that final painting - she is a beautiful girl!

    I wonder what you will make of your Challenge, Rinda? And can you cheer up those moody maidens (or do you like them because they look moody)?

    Have fun!

  5. That's a clever leap - from the faces challenge to this one.

    Stretching my artistic muscles? This morning when I wrote a piece for Scrap365

  6. I love Modigliani. The third painting you chose is hanging in my bedroom, a gift from my college roommate many, many years ago. Trying to get a handle on Lightroom software might not be a creative endeavor, but it certainly makes my brain muscles flex!

  7. It's going to be so much fun! I was soooo tempted to do the first girl too, but at the end decided to include a guy in my 4. Will be looking forward to see your work!

  8. How challenging and interesting. Looking forward to see your interpretation.

  9. I think that I will join in . Strangely enough, I already did a painting influenced by Mondigliani and Klimt not so long ago :) I love these challenges because it makes me learn about different artists that I'm not very familiar with especially contemporary.
