Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Tutorial Repost: Corner Stitching

This Thanksgiving weekend, I'm reposting a few tutorials. Let's start with a simple technique you can use on a card or scrap book page. You can see a page with this technique(and read an interesting story) at this link. Let me know if you use this technique. Enjoy the tutorial!
This week's challenge over at the Gingersnap Creations blog is "stitching." You can see a variety of wonderful projects at this link.  Since I'm sewing challenged, I decided to create this card with one of my favorite stitching techniques:  corner lacing.  When I want to use this technique, I start with a template like this one:
I use it to punch holes into the paper I will lace on. Then I pull waxed linen thread or other fiber in and out of the holes in alphabetical order.  It's quite easy, and I love the effect it gives.  Let me know if you give it a try; I'd love to see the results.


  1. How neat! I'll definitely be trying this. Hope you're enjoying your Thanksgiving.

  2. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Rinda and family x
