Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Remembering Simple Joys

Here's a scrapbook page from our trip to the Tree Farm last Christmas. It looks a lot better if you click on it to see it larger and more clearly.  It uses Club Scrap's Great Outdoors collection and inspiration came from Shimelle's prompt (in her Pretty Paper Party class) to cut out images from patterned paper, ink them and pop dot them.  The journaling reads "It's wonderful to see the kids playing together happily, joyfully . . . It seems all too rare now that they've become teenagers. It's amazing what the outdoors, a tree swing and beautiful weather can accomplish.  Even Paul got in on the fun. No wonder the tree farm is one of my favorite holiday traditions."
I love all the pictures on this page, and it was a good layout to do right now because Clara is being particularly challenging and driving her brother (and the rest of us) crazy. It's nothing outside the norm for a 13-year old girl, I'm sure, but that doesn't make things any more pleasant. Everyone tells me it will be alright - in 7 or 8 years! LOL! Any tips for surviving the teenage years with a spirited daughter???
Today I am grateful for: Paul, recently retired and now working from home, is able to spend so much time helping Clara navigate through this stage of her life.


  1. Great LO..perfect background paper...and I found that DH coped better with Kirsty as a teenager than I did...and it does pass!
    Alison xx

  2. As the mother of a 25 year old girl I'd love to be able to tell you that this phase soon passes, but I won't lie to you, it may take a while! You can never tell if it's PMT, teenage hormones, or just pure pushing the boundaries but it can feel like hard work at times. However, you will find that the good times outweigh the challenging ones and that your lovely daughter is still in there somewhere!

  3. Great LO. No tips for teenage girls, I have boys!

  4. Love the exuberance of the LO,Rinda...and they do look so happy together.
    I think it's a rare teenage girl that doesn't go through this phase....and some pass through it much quicker than others.....DD1 was only in it for a year....I'm not convinced DD2 has yet come out of it!!! A soundproof,padded cell could be the answer!!!!!

  5. I agree with Debs and Jacky, it is a very challenging stage but you both come out of it better people. I found that we went through phases of challenging behavior and then phases of calm. Just remember that you got through the terrible twos!

    Love the pages you have made they are so full of life and vitality.

  6. Time, only time. Then again time goes by so fast, one wonders when "your" time will come. Patience, what else can I say. Very nice photo page. Have a wonderful rest. Of the week.

  7. I am not looking forward to the teenage years, though my 9 year old seems to be getting a head start on them.

  8. Yes Stacey! What is it with boys around 8 and 9?
    I can't offer any advice either - I look to many of you for hints and tips. I was a very calm teenager and one of my sisters seemed to be cranky for about 12 years, there is no rhyme or reason, hopefully her phase will be short and sharp and you can all then breathe a huge sigh of relief!

  9. Hang in there Rinda! Just think I get to go through it 3 times! LOL!

  10. this page will bring so much joy to you in the future - you've captured "fun" which is no easy task. i have a fourteen year old step-daughter so i know what you are talking about - i feel like we are riding the waves, the highs and the lows, every hour. :-)

  11. This is such a beautiful layout, Rinda. The focus really is on the photos, the way it should be.
    My daughter is also 13 - she does have very much her own ideas and she can become pretty moody, but she still is wonderful (most times; there is a little devil possessing her every now and then) and I'm quite grateful and just enjoy it. Who lnows how long it will take?

  12. Lovely layout, this class is fab isn't it.

    No advice really, I am just starting the journey with a 13 year old girl. She was worse last year actually so who knows!

    Keep Calm and Carry On!! :)

  13. Absolutely love the pics and the layout! Congrats to having Paul around full time to help out on the home front. Teenage girls can be such a challenge - so many changes to the heart, soul, mind, and body. I tell everyone that I'd go back to newborn - 12 and 17 to present but no way in the world I'd do 13 - 16 again. They laugh at me when I say girls become inhuman at that age until they get there and say to themselves "Margi was so right!" LOL Good luck with your girlie, I'm sure she'll be just fine the same as Krissy was because she has a strong Momma!

  14. Gritted teeth, I think! That's the advice here from another mother of a spirited 13 year old! But that spirit will serve them well in years to come I think.

  15. First, I love this layout, Rinda. I remember seeing those photos on your blog when you first posted them and they are among my favorites of your family.

    As for coping with a 13-year old daughter... Looks like you've had plenty of sage advice here already so I'll just give you one word: BREATHE. ;o)

  16. omg, Angelina has started arguing with EVERYTHING I SAY sometimes!!!! most of the time she's fine, but certain days it's like i'm an alien or something, i just look around and think, huh??? luckily so far school and other activities are not impacted, i'd rather her have those days/moments at home than in public, i guess ... hey, maybe we should lock them both in a room for a while?

    Mariana in CA

  17. Great layout and I love the photos - I also quite understand about the daughter/son thing too having gone through that and (thankfully) come out the other side!

  18. I remember these fabulous photos from your visit to the tree farm. Last year we were there, too! Wonder where we'll go this year to find Sarah and Adam a tree.
