Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Comings and Goings

I'm in the middle of a very busy time for me - the semester is ending soon.  As a Professor, it means that examination time is coming.  I've been writing up finals, scheduling review sessions, answering questions from panicky students, etc. As a parent, I am pushing my kids to finish their terms strong and will soon be helping them study for their final exams.  On the other hand, this is my last week of actually teaching. So, I will not have to prepare four days a week and then perform in front of a classroom full of students (one of my classes has 100 students; the other 45). I have a much easier semester in the new year - just a practical skills class on alternative dispute resolution, which meets one day a week.
Also on the horizon is the start of my son's High School soccer season. I'm the "team parent," so I spend a lot of time helping the coaches organize the administrative side of things. 
And, oh yes, Christmas. I am going to be starting Cheryl Johnson's 12 Days of Christmas photography class on Dec. 1. I am planning to resist the temptation of Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas and Tim Holtz's 12 Tags of Christmas. 
I'm also hoping to do some art journaling during December, including some pages on which I draw. I found Carla Sonheim's great blog about drawing, and each Thursday she features a blob to use as the basis for a drawing.  On Thanksgiving, she posted this one:
Her only instructions are to print, turn the paper around and around, draw, color.  I haven't had a chance to get my paints out yet, but I did have a bit of fun sketching the bit of silliness on the top of today's post.  What do you think?


  1. What a fun sketch you derived from the blob - I like it!

    It does sound like a busy time for you; I remember the feeling of relief after the last official class before finals week when I was still teaching at the university. There's still a lot of work to do, but it's not so intense.

  2. the sketch is just too funny! I sometimes wonder about my own imaginative skills - I would look at that blob and see nothing but a blob. I tend to be too literal more often than not (a result of our training perhaps?)

  3. love your take on the sketch I might have a go myself
    look forward to seeing what you come up with on CJs 12DoC

  4. nice chuckle as I seek a look at some blogs instead of preparing a bibliography!!

  5. Rinda if you look in my blog you will find my take on 'THE BLOB'

  6. Hi Maria. You know in the time I've been coming to your blog, I had no idea you were a professor. Oooh la la, you rock!!:DD By the way I want to see your journal pages inspired by the master. I can hardly wait. Glad that you will have some rest time (sort of) soon. Take care and go make some tamales. tee hee.

  7. I really like it!

    Re My Month in Numbers - I just note things down in my desk diary, but I think Julie herself might be going to post about how she collects hers soon.

    Christmas Club - I wasn't thinking of running it this year after a successful year of storytelling. I have a slightly tweaked idea for January though

  8. Hi Rinda I'm afraid I cheated and created my monster on the computer might still have a go with a pencil though

  9. Love the transformation!!! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  10. i feel like i'm on that wagon - weeeee! a great sketch - activity is hard to capture. good luck getting through all your teaching duties so you can move on to the holiday doings.

  11. I love it too and think it is quite hilarious! Good luck with the craziness, next term sounds far calmer!
