Sunday, November 20, 2011

Alice in Wonderland Cards

Quite a while ago, a friend of mine gave me an Alice in Wonderland card kit.  It had 8 card blanks and focal images, a good assortment of printed paper, lots of Wonderland charms, some ribbon and a whole bunch of tags. I kept the kit in my scrapbook bag and would work on them now and again at a crop or when I had a bit of time.
But today I decided that I wanted to finish them up and get them out of my project bag.  I had three left to assemble and then (to really complete the project), I added sentiments to the ones that needed them and put away all the left-over bits!
Very happy to have them complete - another project done and out of my bag. Yea me! 
I'd wanted to make them mostly birthday cards, but sometimes I couldn't find a birthday sentiment that would fit. 
I have two bins with about 100 completed hand made cards in them, with all varieties of sentiments - birthdays, new babies, graduation, get well, sympathy, thank you, father's day, mother's day, st. patrick's day, etc. - plus plenty of blank ones.  This is pared down from the four bins I had last year at this time! At Christmas time, I will bundle up packets to give to relatives as presents - mostly to my female relatives (because they appreciate them) to go along with gift cards (because I hate giving just a gift card without anything tangible). They seem to appreciate it! Would you appreciate a gift of handmade cards to send out? Have you ever given such a gift?
Today I am grateful for: a son who can drive himself places and all those adults who volunteer to coach (and drive) my children.


  1. Ooooh...I just LOVE these Alice in Wonderland cards, Rinda. answer to your question: because I'm a crafter myself, I've never been keen on sending handmade cards to friends and family that weren't made by my own hand. I hope that doesn't make me sound snobby. Am I the only one who feels that way?

  2. I think handmade cards are a great idea as a gift, and, infact, I am considering making some as gifts for this Christmas myself ... though, only to non-crafters as I wouldn't want to step on any toes .. Deb! ;-) :-)

  3. I frequently give sets of handcrafted cards, but only to folks who don't make their own (which is most of my local friends and family.) They always seem appreciative, and I hope they use them. They don't, of course, send them back to me!

  4. Oh how lovely. Remember I'm part of your family :)

  5. That's a lovely idea Rinda...not one I've ever thought about(till now!)
    Alison xx

  6. I love these,Rinda....especially as I'm a real Alice fan.
    I do give gifts of a set of handmade cards....usually in a decorated women....and they always seem to appreciate them....I think they make great gifts for non-cardmakers.

  7. I love your Alice cards. Alice never goes out of date.

    I'm not sure is my honest answer. Like Deb, as a crafter I would prefer to give a card I had made myself; but I can definitely see how valuable a gift like this would be to a non-crafter

  8. I think that it is a great idea to give some handmade cards with a gift card - I would be more than happy to receive a gift like that!

  9. Your cards are pretty:) I do make cards but have never given them in that way! A lovely idea.
