Thursday, November 10, 2011

2011 Intentions: October 's Page

This year I have been tracking my intention (to be fabulous at 50), my one little word (health) and a list of resolutions in three different art journals.  You can click on the label "2011 intentions" below to learn more. I'm a little behind, but I'm catching up fast. Here's my October page, which is a little melancholy.  To be truthful, October was a little tough around here - I had a lot of travel and was very busy with work and the kids.  I didn't blog or create much, and my exercise routine fell off dramatically. But, I kept with it and now I'm definitely on the rebound.  My journaling reads "In October, I was fabulous because I realized that treading water is better than drowning. I may not always be able to soar, but I believe in myself and have faith that things will get better as long as I don't give up."
So, am I right? Do you think you can be fabulous even when you're just barely keeping your head above water? 

Today I am grateful for: people who go out of their way to do the right thing.


  1. I don't always have bucketloads of self-confidence but I am very optimistic and I do believe in putting one foot in front of the other and marching on!
    October was a crazy month here too, I am glad you didn't give up and that November is kinder to you and the family!

  2. Gorgeous Art Page love how it seems to flow, the masking is super and enhances the bridge structure. And yes you are fabulous even when.....
    We all are, we are all unique

  3. absolutely - I think fabulous is a state of mind rather than an outcome. Recognising ebbs and flow is so important and just taking that next step

  4. so true, as long as I'm making progress of some sort I'm good!

  5. I think you can be fabulous even if you sink under water just a little bit here and there. ;o) Your page is awesome, Rinda, and I love that you have stayed so connected to your 2011 intention.

    PS: Thanks for thinking of my mom...she mentioned she received a card from you this week. :o) xo!

  6. Well, I think a lot of us would be in trouble if it wasn't true! October wasn't a lot better around here, and November seems to be about the same. I got to the gym a couple of times, and we're finally back to serious walking again, but it wasn't good for awhile!

  7. I reckon treading water is the best we can do sometimes!
    Alison xx

  8. this really speaks to me Rinda (I've felt this way for awhile) - and I think you are right. Sometimes in life we are just barely keeping our heads above water, but we are. We don't give up. thanks.

  9. Being fabulous is a state of mind and yes I think it is important to believe in ourselves, even when we things aren't always going well - now if only I can remember that at times myself!!!

  10. Yes!You can be fabulous simply by keeping your head above water. No doubt about it.
