Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Last Taste of Summer (Scavenger Hunt Winners)

Thanks for everyone's patience in waiting for the winners of the Summertime Scavenger Hunt. All-in-all, there were 23 people who participated.  Here are some of people's favorites:
Amy's Rain
Sian's graffiti:
Yvonne's Castle:
Helena's Political Protest:
Karen's Someone Sketching:
Deb's Decorated Mailbox (A party inside):
Alison's Self Portrait (because she looks so fabulous!):
Mel's Wooden Bridges:
Jacky's graffiti:
An assortment from Debs (including a museum, cemetery, rooster and building made of glass):
Karen's Rain:
Jo's Stitched Together Forest:
The Mann Castle:
Ginger's montage (including her favorite, the flag):
Fiona's Building made of Metal:
Cindy's Hand Lettered Sign Giving Directions:
Irene's roadside memorial:
Miriam's fair (her whole flicker stream, here, is worth checking out):
Mary's Unicycle:
And, finally, my pirate:
Thank you to everyone who participated! I was thrilled by the response, and I will definitely do another one in January (but shorter and smaller) and a similar one next summer.
Now, on to the winners:
The Overachiever Category Prize goes to Mel! I'll be gifting her a Shimelle class.
The Snapshot/Team Category Winner is The Mann Family! They got all 21 pictures.  I'll be sending her a gift card to get her photos developed and an album in which to put them.
There were three people in the photography category who got all 21 items: Yvonne; Jo and Marian.  Alison found 20 and several people came in at 19.  After a random draw from the top 3, the winner is:  Yvonne!  I'll be sending her a gift card to choose her favorite photo and have it enlarged onto an 8x8 "standout" from MPIX. 
Finally, I put everyone else's name into a hat (Amy; Helena; Jo; Sian; Karen; Deb; Alison; Jacky; Ginger; Stacey; Fiona; Irene; Mariana; Laurie; Debs; Cindy; Mary B; and Karen) and pulled a random winner.  The lucky girl is Stacey! I'll send you a gift certificate for some large format prints as well.
Winners, please email me at rinda1961@yahoo.com, so that I have your correct email address. Also, please include your mailing address. Thanks again to everyone for playing along!


  1. Great recap, and congrats to the winners! This was a lot of fun, and I'll be looking forward to January's.

  2. fab recap and a nice reminder of the summer fun

    thansk again for doing it and looking forward to the next one

  3. Thanks for posting all these Rinda, i found it really fascinating - great project

  4. this is an activity that is fun all the way through! we enjoyed participating but it is also a treat to see everyone else's photographic "finds". thanks for sharing it.

  5. Thanks for organizing this event, it was definately fun :)

  6. This was such a fun project, Rinda, and I love your recap here. :o)

    Congrats to the winners!!!

  7. Yes congratulations to the winners and thanks to you Rinda for organising the fabulous Scavenger Hunt. Looking forward to the next one .

  8. This was such a fun project Rinda, and I'm so pleased to hear we have more to look forward to in the future! Congratulations to all the winners.

  9. Thanks again for organising this fun event Rinda...looking forward to the next one! Congrats to all the winners!
    Alison xx

  10. Oops think I commented about the scavenger hunt in the wrong place
    Never mind I'll say it again
    I really enjoyed this and love the fact you say you are going to do it again.
    The strange thing is that I found my little unicycle man again only this morning he had got buried under a pile of papers.

  11. All great photos. Thanks for organising this, looking forward to the next one!

  12. This was a great summer project,Rinda....such fun....and I'm still hoping to complete my album.
    Looking forward to the winter edition.
    Congrats to all the winners.

  13. What a lovely round up of favourites! Congratulations to Linda, Yvonne and Stacey. And I'm thrilled to be a recognised overachiever!!

    Many thanks for organising this, Rinda - it was such fun :) And many thanks for your generosity xx

  14. Thanks Rinda, I found this a great project to follow on your blog and many of the other participants.
    I'm looking forward to January's edition .... I know that if you include sand, which will be strange as it is your winter, I'll see plenty of that! Just putting in a minor heads up ... not wanting to make a head start or anything! ;-)

  15. This was a wonderful project. I really enjoyed it and as you know I am hoping for Mark Two soon! That graffiti picture - it's a favourite of mine from the summer and I probably would never have taken it if it hadn't been for you

  16. That was fun and I look forward to playing again. Gracias!
