Sunday, October 23, 2011

2011 Intentions Catch-up: September Style

During 2011, I chose a "one little word," an intention and a list of resolutions.  I've been tracking these in three art journals throughout the year. If you click on the label "2011 intentions" below, you can see the pages I've created. I've fallen a bit behind in the project, but I'm catching up.  My intention for the year is to be "fabulous at 50." My September journaling reads: "In September, I was fabulous because I embraced my curly girl self, I believe in the  'five minute face,' I love my jewelry wardrobe, and I know how to dress my body.  In short, I have found my style - one I can live with - and I love it."
It's taken me quite a while to really embrace having a style. For most of my life, I just thought it was too much trouble and would take too much time to put the effort into looking nice. But I've watched lots of hours of "What Not to Wear" and I've gotten my body back into good shape (see the self-portrait in my art journal page).  I purchased some new clothes at the end of the summer and purged the clothing which was outdated or didn't flatter me. I have realized that, at 50, a little make up really can go a long way to making me look better, and I've learned how to apply it in a quick and easy manner.  I have a few key accessories - a great jewelry wardrobe of about a dozen pairs of earrings, 8 rings and 4 bracelets, plus a few scarves.  So, now, I put in a little time every day before going out - it really doesn't take much. And you know what? I look fabulous!
What about you? Have you embraced a style? Are you willing to put in a little time and effort each day to make yourself look nice? Or do you let the world take you as your are?


  1. I like to make an effort without going overboard, but, it depends on what is happening on the individual day!

  2. Great page - love the mix of model and butterflies

    When I was working away from the house I had a style of dressing that suited my shape and style but now that I mostly work from home those clothes rarely see light. I used to spend some time each Sunday putting together each outfit for the coming week, including jewalry - made it much easier each weekday morning

  3. Another great page; must say it reminded me that I have drifted away (big time) from my OLW, and must admit, it's likely I won't get back to it too soon.

  4. i have gone through phases in which i put in the effort and others in which i just slide by. i do feel more energized and professional at work when i look nice so i really try to make that happen during the week. i love the brightness of your page.

  5. Most days I don't worry much about what I wear, just jeans and a shirt. If I venture out to a store or mall I do apply makeup just in case I run into a friend.

  6. You're looking great in that self-portrait, Rinda!! Lovely page altogether :) I've fallen behind with mine, too; July was hectic and demanding, and then being away put paid to August itself and September in recovering! But each month has its own story, its own details, so I hope to make those pages retrospectively.

    And much respect for finding your own style and being happy and comfortable with it! You are fabulous indeed, my friend xx

  7. Love the self-portrait! And how awesome that you have defined and are enjoying your style. I put a little time & effort on the days I'm leaving the house . . . the other days it's hit or miss.

  8. I have a style but it's one Stacey & Clinton hate. It's 'comfortable'. :)

  9. You are indeed 'fabulous at 50' Rinda...well done!
    Alison xx

  10. That's a gorgeous page Rinda! I would have to say during my work week I make lots of effort, and then on the weekends I slack a bit :( (that is if I'm going to the grocery store etc.) I do love scarves and jewellery though!

  11. I'm actually just a jeans and tshirt kind of gal. I don't dress up. Even when we go out it's jeans and maybe a nice blouse with a scarf. Love your journal page Rinda and you look great.

  12. Rinda, I love how you say "I look fabulous" - yay!!! That's the way to do it! My favorite clothes come from a company in Sweden, they are not fashioanble but very stylish with great colors and a more floating shape which I like. Sometimes great patterns in wild combinations. Not the usual JCPenny stuff, that's for sure. I'm not big into make-up, but I love my hair and often wear it with colorful headbands (Buff).

  13. How strange I was looking at my little unicycle man only this morning.
    So pleased you are going to do them again I think we all enjoyed them a lot.

  14. Beautiful page!! Congrats on working towards your goals for the year, it is easy to get behind. Such a beautiful post, thank you for sharing!!
