Monday, September 12, 2011

Which do you prefer?

Photograph #1
Photograph #2
This week's assignments in the on-line photography class I'm taking included a nature photograph. We were encouraged to consider featuring something besides mother nature in the photograph. I took this heart ornament (look familiar Deb?) outside to see what I could create with it. These are my two favorite shots.  I can only submit one for this week's critique, and I'm wondering which one your prefer.  Please let me know.
Often when I ask a question like this, people will respond, "it depends on what you're going to use it for" or "it depends on what feeling you're going for," and that's helpful too.  I do have some thoughts for how I will use these photographs. I will either use them on a card or as part of a collage. Something I want to do with my art as I go forward is to stage or compose photographs and then embed them within a collage.  Although I'm happy with the collages I've done with my regular photography, I think I can take my art to the next level if I start composing photographs, in addition to simply capturing life as it occurs around me.
The only other photograph I think I have ever composed is this one:
If you come back tomorrow, I'll show you a collage I made with it over the weekend!


  1. The first one - it's fabulous! Though, the second one would be good on a scrap page, the first one is a stand out photo for me.

  2. Like Amy, I prefer the first one too.

  3. I love them both for different reasons the first one is definitely a one for a card or collage and I love the way the lichen shows up in it.
    The second one is more for the nature aspect because the trees are more in evidence. So for the purpose of the exercise I would probably submit #2

  4. at first glance i would definitely say the first one

  5. I love the first one....and it would look great on a card.

  6. The first one! It's a stand out shot, for sure.

  7. I love both of them but for the Nature assignment I'd go with the second one as it says to me "love nature with all the colors and images and it's little surprises, the heart". I don't think you could go wrong with either tho!

  8. I'm another fan of #1. Great shot!!!

  9. I like #1 best by far - the heart is the focus and the nature is secondary apart from a snippet of lichen above the heart - and lichen is far more interesting than a branch. Love the bokeh effect behind.

    For me shot #2 isn't really enough about the tree or the heart - it's not got a real focal point.

  10. Interesting to read everyones choice. Of course, I have to be different as I choose the second one :)

  11. i like the way the branches draw your eyes to the heart in the second one. it involves the viewer a bit more, makes us work for it and we are rewarded with the heart. so that would be my choice. let us know what you decide and how the class goes.

  12. Beautiful shots! I prefer the first one...I love the blurry background and how it highlights the ornament.

  13. I love the first one, it immediately draws me in. I love the lichen and the effect of the leaves in the background. The second one doesn't have a wow factor for me. I'd like it more if the tree was predominant and the heart less focused possibly. Can't wait to see how you incorporate the photography into your collages.

  14. i prefer photo #1

    Mariana in CA

  15. #1 for me. The heart seems to really be the focus of the photo, I like the detail of it and part of the branch and soft focus of the background. I think it would work great in a collage since the heart is so bright compared to it's surroundings. You really get to see the detail and texture of it.

    I have so many collage ideas from our class with Maryjo...just sad I had to miss part of the day and I missed you on Sunday!

  16. I really like the first one - the slight fading left and the sharpness right really leads your eye in. Lovely stuff!

  17. Photo #1 by far! I think that is the best one.

  18. Like most I prefer the first one,and am looking forward to seeing what you create with it x

  19. While I really like the first one, I think for the purpose the 2nd one is better.

  20. :o)!!! Instant smile when I saw photo #1. ♥
